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Showing posts from November, 2016

Be Thankful

Psalm 107:1 ; Psalm 136:1 Thanksgiving has just passed and we gathered with our families. For me and my family this holiday has never been about pilgrims but about being able to gather, when we normally probably wouldn't because life gets in the way, to look at all the ways God has blessed us and kept us. Its a time to pray and thank God for life, strength and each other and of course eat. I know for some Thanksgiving is not a happy time because of history and current events but I want us to stop and think about the things we have to be grateful for, that we are thankful for. We take many things for granted and all we have can be gone in an instant. There are very few guarantees in this life. I am thankful to God everyday because He is good. He wakes me up when many others don't. He starts me on my way when many others can't. I have ears to hear. Eyes to see. Clothes to wear, food to eat, and a place to sleep. That is all I need and God promises to supply all our...

In God's Economy... Love is Action

In God's economy Love is Action Many of us know the 1 Corinthians 13 which has been dubbed the "Love Chapter" of the Bible. It has always bothered me that people say they fall in love with people because to me this means that just as fast as it can happen it can end. And if that is true that means that God can fall in and out of love with us at any given moment. And if that is true how can God be love personified if love is so wishy washy? That doesn't fit with who God says He is. But, when people talk about love its like this mystical thing that just comes upon you. But to God and in His Word it is much more than that. It is a conscious, and deliberate action that you can control. I've listed the ways that God says we are to love. Its here both in the the traditional version that I memorized this verse in when I was a little girl and then in The Message. I love The Message version of scripture and you will see it quoted here often because it breaks th...

There Are Too Many Pharisees in Today's Church...

There are too many Pharisees in today's American church. If you don't know what a Pharisees is let me explain... PHAR'ISEE, n. Heb. to separate. One of a sect among the Jews, whose religion consisted in a strict observance of rites and ceremonies and of the traditions of the elders,and whose pretended holiness led them to separate themselves as a sect, considering themselves as more righteous than other Jews. In today's world that would be a self-righteous person. See here  for a history of their exploits. Before there was the church as we know it there were Jews and there were Gentiles. In case you are wondering, unless you have Jewish heritage we all qualify as Gentiles. The Pharisees were what we would consider modern day religious folks that think they are above it all. They were very law focused and intent and content to tell you all of the things you were doing wrong and in some cases using that guilt trip for personal gain. Hmmmmm. Sound familiar in pre...

After This Election We Know We Should Pray but...

After the election My social media timelines have been full of people saying that we need to pray. And they are absolutely right. However.... The Bible ( Ecclesiastes 3:1-18 ) also says there is a time to pray and a time to mourn... We have abbreviated this to the old adage there is a time and place for everything. So we need to give space to those who are mourning, we need to give space to those who are angry and let everyone feel what they are feeling and stop telling them we just need to pray. Why do we need to stop this? Because besides giving people space, prayer is not always the only answer that God gives us. Sometimes he calls us to pray but other times he calls us to march (think the walls of Jericho, see Joshua 6 ), sometimes he calls us to speak up (see Esther 4 ), sometimes he calls us to be still and listen (see 1 Samuel 3 ) and sometimes he calls us to fight (see the story of the Judge Deborah in Judges 4:6 ). As a Christian even I am telling you that the " we need t...

Pray... God Hears

I love music because it is the way that God ministers to my heart. I will be sharing a lot of music on here but today I just wanted you to know that God hears you when you pray and He WILL ANSWER! The Unlikely Missionary, DHW

Your Unlikely Missionary is Back

It has been 5 years to the month since my last post. Five long years. Many things have happened to me in this span of time that caused me to turn my line to God off. I have experienced great highs and incredible lows. Life happens... But during this election season God has been weighing heavily on me as I have watched hate, lies, death, hurt and turmoil permeate and dominate my social media timelines. It made me especially sad that many of the people spewing these offensive things were people who proclaim the name of Jesus. I would like to say, on behalf of the God that I serve... I'm sorry! I knew God was real on a sunny day more than 20 years ago when I felt a hand in the middle of my chest push me out of the path of a speeding taxi. He reminded me again when I was 19 and I had planned to commit suicide. And He reminded me again just yesterday. When God's hand is on you there is no escaping. And I can tell you with confidence that the God that I serve is a ...