Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Feeling the Pressure to be Great

I don’t know about you but I live under the constant pressure to be great. To make something of myself. To make money. To have a good job. To own my own home.

It stresses me out.

On a good day I manage to get my kids ready, make my husband his lunch for work, all my blog posts done, get my podcast copy written, post to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram a couple of times, and reward myself with a latte.

On bad days I sleep through my alarm cuz I was up with my sick kid all night. The latte is a necessity but I can only afford regular and forget podcasting. If I have dinner on the table before 9 I call that a win.

In either case the needle doesn’t move. I still make the same amount of money. Live in the same place. And when I look up I wonder what do I do it all for?

Celebrity life is an anomaly that we all aspire to. We want to be balling. We want all the money, the houses, the cars. And we work hard, looking at all the ways influencers do it and yet, I’m not living the life that I see they have on Instagram.

The truth is, what am I Chasing it all for?

I want better for my family, I want my kids to be happy, I want a healthy marriage. I don’t want to be struggling for money. But I wonder while I sit at my 9-5 and write blog posts and campaigns and try to entice ppl to join my mailing list for my side hustle, is it worth it?

Obviously when Jesus was born there was no Instagram but there was the temple where the priests were seemingly living their best life.

That was who the people at the time revered. That’s who the people wanted to be. But all Jesus wanted to be was about his Father's business.

When I look at my life I often wonder is that what I’m trying to do, be about my Father’s business? In God’s economy if I’m meant to own a house, I will. If I’m meant to be wealthy I will be. If I’m meant to be successful I will be. Because what God has meant for you will be for you...

...if you follow His will for you.

I often find myself mad at God for my life not being right and Him countering but are you chasing after me or those things?

It’s a sobering reminder that we can’t do it our way and then when our way fails blame God for not making ish happen.

Life is hard and it’s a struggle. I struggle, daily because I want so much more. But Jesus had no place to lay his head and yet he was content because he was about his Father's business. That's what truly mattered.

I’m not saying to settle for mediocre but when you do life following God’s will you never have to. God gives only the best.

So as I sit here typing this I wonder what am I doing all of this for?

When the answer comes I’ll let you know.

To be continued.....

The Unlikely Missionary

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Podcast Episode 8: Let's Talk That NYS Law

If you hadn't heard NYS passed a new abortion law. The response on both sides of the issue has been crazy.

Read: My Thoughts on the Abortion Debate

As a Christian I have always had a problem with the way the Church has handled this debate. In Episode 8 of the Podcast I give my thoughts on how the Church should be addressing the situation. We should be part of the solution not adding fuel to the fire. But that requires us to do some introspection.

No matter what one decides, or which side you sit on, the fact of the matter is we all are free to make our own choices, God still loves us because we all fall short and as a Christian we are to be the manifestation of God's love.

You can listen to this podcast in the player above or in Apple PodcastsStitcher & Spotify. Please rate and subscribe.

For more Unlikely Missionary follow me on Facebook at

The Unlikely Missionary

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Podcast Episode 7: Choose Happiness

How often do we surrender our happiness to others? Every time we allow others to steal our joy or blame someone for why we are miserable we give them power over our lives.

Life is a series of choices, life or death choices. It can be a literal life and death choice i.e. if you have diabetes and choose not to take your insulin or it can be figurative i.e. you allow someone to get under you skin and it changes your whole mood.

Read: God Gave Us the Gift of Choice

In Episode 7 of the podcast I talk about the fact that the only person's actions we can control is our own and that we should choose happiness. I can't control what people do to me but I can control how it affects me and how I respond to it.

I have chosen to be happy.

You can listen to this podcast in the player above or in Apple PodcastsStitcher & Spotify. Please rate and subscribe.

For more Unlikely Missionary follow me on Facebook at

The Unlikely Missionary

Sunday, February 3, 2019

God's Economy - Door to Door Christianity

Jesus never knocked on doors to spread the Gospel.

I know I just got cut off from a lot of church folks but that's ok.

The Bible does tell us to go tell the Gospel (Mark 16:15). I don't dispute that for a second.

The thing is that Jesus effectively spread the Gospel and didn't knock on a single door. 

Doing this always terrified me as a child because I didn't feel comfortable walking up to complete strangers and because I hated when people did it to me. 9 time out of 10 I always left those situations feeling harassed.

Jesus didn't harass people with the Gospel. Instead He did these three things.

  1. His Reputation Preceded Him
    If you are a kind, loving person who is living right people will tell other people about you and the God you serve. Your life is your testimony. The way you live your life is a much greater witness then anything you say,
  2. He Had Organic Conversations that Led to Kingdom Conversations
    I never outright tell people about Christ. Mostly because, as a kid, I disliked those people. However, if you get to know me you will know I rock with God the long way and what He means to me.
  3. Where He Walked He Brought the Gospel with Him
    Jesus walked. A lot. And where He went He brought the Gospel. When you walk out your door the Gospel is going with you because it is in you. If you are ever asked about your faith you should be ready to share it as Jesus was.
Even I don't open the door to those who walk door to door. Our life is our strongest testament of the Good News. We don't have a telling quota, you just have to be willing to share Jesus where you are.

The Unlikely Missionary