Saturday, June 11, 2011

Living Right Ain't Easy

I've never been popular and I'm pretty sure I never will be. Christian aren't always popular people. History shows them as outcasts, those people popular people ignore. Prostitutes, adulterers, tax collectors, nerds, lepers, the homeless. I'm in good company. Like me they all looked at their lives, realized that they wanted something better and realized that Jesus was the answer.

Today it seems people use Jesus as a get out of jail free card. Just like old time mobsters who every time they killed somebody went to confession asking for absolution. It doesn't work that way. Our lives should change, our lifestyle should change once we say "Jesus, you're my guy"; the Head of my life, my all in all.

I always know when I'm off track. I feel this chasm between myself and my Savior and I am desperate to close the gap.  I could very easily say forget this life, I'm gonna out there and do whatever I want. Smoke, drink, have sex, break some hearts, make some fast cash, have some "fun", but what will I gain? What will be the point?

My life doesn't have meaning without God. I would not be the person I am if it wasn't for Him. I could be one of those selfish, don't give a crap about nothing and no one type of people. Angry all the time, in denial, lying to themselves type of people. Sure that is easier than having to admit your wrong and you are responsible for your own actions but it meaningless. I'd rather live right then not at all.

And I don't expect to be liked for it. I don't expect things I say to be popular or even necessarily heeded because we like to do our own thing and don't want to hear that what we are doing is wrong. Christ followers in fact have had to run for their lives because of things they said. Paul, Peter, John the Baptist, Silas, and the list goes on.

When I was younger I always hoped I would be popular. But as time passed and I realized I wouldn't and I stopped trying to and hoping to be. I think it was preparation for the road I walk now.  Yes, I crave companionship like every other human being but I've learned how to be the only difference in a room of sameness. I learned how to be okay.

No its not easy. I've been told that I am crazy for believing in God to my face. I've been told I'm too old to believe in this "fairy tale". I've had to make choices that placed me on the outside looking in but your never alone.

Jesus understands what it means to be an outcast. Try standing in the middle of a huge crowd demanding that you die one of the most painful deaths in known history. He understands that people will leave you, doubt you, reject you cuz he's been there. People say life is an adventure but really its about coming to God. Adam chose this world over God and God gives us life to chose Him over this world.

Although its not easy, for me it is better than the alternative. You could be living wrong and have everything you want and be lonely in the midst of a crowd. Or you can live right and do life with the best friend who will never leave you lonely.

Friday, June 10, 2011

We've Lost Our Fire

This isn't an indictment. Its a statement of fact. The American church has lost the power it once had as it has opened its doors and let the Holy Spirit fly out.With flocks being lead by shepherds who themselves aren't fed. Allowing the world lies to rewrite God's truth.

Running around lukewarm, saying I love Jesus yes I do, I love Jesus how about you.
Like this is a kid's game and not real, life and death. Caught up in hoop dreams and rap bars, seeing stars instead of looking up to heaven. Getting loose on Saturday night, "catching" the Holy Ghost on Sunday, then cussing someone out on Monday. All the while with our C on our chest cuz I'm a Christian and I'm blessed.

Looking for our reward on earth in the midst of a recession. Accepting mediocre when our Savior is a King, ruler of this earth spinning on an orbit that He could break with a snap of His finger. Acting like we got time when His return is nearer than when we first believed.

Living lives that we would be ashamed to explain to Christ. Disrespectful lives involving threesomes, sleeping with her and him and him and him and her and her. Raping our souls for fools gold because they say they love us. Then dump us with our hearts shattered at out feet. Telling our elders to let us live our lives like the foolish people we have become. Letting those things He has overcome on our behalf trap us.

We have become so watered down we can't season anything. We are so neligible we don't even leave a taste. We're too comfortable in this skin. We are bones with no substance. We don't know the meaning of laying our life down, taking up our cross cuz we following everyone but Him. Hoping, praying, wishing that things will change and surprised when they stay the same. But God is the only one who can change the game; the play, the call becuase He's the one that put you in the game at all.

This isn't an indictment but a wake up call. We're living our lives small. Destined for greatness but selling out birthright for a bowl of stew. Chew on that as thousands upon thousands hide in upper rooms like those in the early church. Not afraid to give it all for Christ. Desperate for just one of the five Bible we have on our bookshelves collecting dust.

Its not only about good sermons and singing beautiful songs but a broken and contrite heart and knowing that you DON'T BELONG HERE. Earth ain't your home, Satan ain't your friend and yet we have settled in for an extended stay. What happened to the days of praying and singing to God and watching our shackles fall. Paul, Peter, and Stephen knowning they would die for their faith but knowing that it was for gain not just for them but for all who would believe.

What does it profit a man to have it all and lose his mansion on high. Watching our lives like a drive-by, in slow motion but it all happens so fast. Forgetting that only the things we do for Christ will last. Don't want to wake up and find out we're still here and the rapture has passed.

I want my power back. I don't want to be caught sleeping. Trying to think up excuses that ain't fooling. Trying to fill a void that can only be plugged by Jesus. Wondering why my prayers have seemed to have lost their power. Desperately trying to place my feet on the Solid Rock. I want to be who I AM wants me to be because that is the only way to live. No compromise, trying to interpret my faith so that it can justify my sin. No one has ever fought against God and come back with a win.

As we watch our world decline realize that NOW is the Time to get it right.