Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Podcast Episode 5: Policing Morality is NOT Our Job

Where is the love people of God? God gave us to two commandments (Matthew 22:37-40) and neither one involves telling people what to do.

American Christians are doing a bad job at loving because they are too busy being the morality police. News flash: That’s not our job! This may be an Unpopular opinion but we as Christians are in no way qualified to tell others (non-believers or believers) whether they are worthy of entrance into the kingdom of God. 

I'm not saying that we can't determine right and wrong, good or bad. I'm saying that it is not our job to condemn people to hell, throw away people, or try to change the minds of people who don't believe as we do. So what is our job? 

In Episode 5 I talk about what God has really call us to do.

You can listen to this podcast in the player above or in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher & Spotify. Please rate and subscribe.

For more Unlikely Missionary follow me on Facebook at

The Unlikely Missionary

Monday, September 24, 2018

When Society Ignores Rape

I had an interesting exchange on Facebook awhile ago which moved me to create this post. However, I hesitated to put this out. However, since them we have had Dr. Nasser and Michigan State, another Catholic church sandal and a Supreme Court Justice nominee that has been accused of Sexual Assault. So I have finally found the courage to post something that needs to be said from the Word of God.


There is a lot of discussion of rape culture in America especially when rapists are given three month sentences for their awful crimes.

There is so much BS out there about how women can keep themselves from being raped as if we can steel trap our legs shut. And it particularly grieves me when supposed people of God speak these things out of their own mouths.

But what does the Bible say?

The story of Tamar in the Bible is a perfect example of what happens when society ignores rape (2 Samuel 13).

It has a high cost.

King David, we all know King David, had an obscene amount of wives and had many children. Tamar was his daughter and she was raped by her half-brother Amnon in a nefarious scheme thought up by his friend Jonadab. This story could be a story we would read in our newspapers today.

After he completed his scheme and was done with her, he threw her out into the street. When her full brother, Absalom, found her he knew immediately what happened but told her to keep quiet. Then when they finally told her father, the king, he was angry but did nothing.

What do we know?

  • Tamar knew what this assault meant for her. She would now be regarded as damaged and she would be ruined. People would look at her differently. This is true for many women even today. Women don't just lose physical autonomy when they are assaulted. They lose so much more emotionally, mentally and holistically that often times they are left to build back up alone.

  • Tamar was failed by all the men in her life. How often do women who have been assaulted get met with anger at what has happened to them? How often do they then get told to be quiet as her brother Absalom did? How often do you go to those in authority for help, and like King David, find no justice there either?

I once watched an episode of the show Cold Case many years ago now but it is one I will never forget. A young woman had been raped and she didn't want to go to the police but her boyfriend convinced her to go. Because the police were supposed to help her right? I found myself openly weeping as she was revictimized by the police officers who were supposed to help her. They listened to her story but didn't bother to write it down. They asked her if she wasn't sure she liked it. Then began to mock her. I was heartbroken because, how many women have experienced this?

The episode was a cold case because the boyfriend was so incensed that nothing was done he went to get justice by his own hand but ended up killed instead. We will get to the costs in a minute.

The Problem

No one once thought about how Tamar must be feeling. Instead it was about protecting Amnon. Absalom told her to keep quiet because Amnon was her brother and not to take it to heart. Doesn't this sound familiar? Don't say anything because his whole life is ahead of him and this will mess everything up. He didn't really mean it. Or are you sure that's what really happened? Or if you weren't so pretty he wouldn't have wanted you. There is nothing new under the sun people. Society has been making up these same arguments since the beginning of time.

David did nothing because Amnon was his heir and the crown prince. David's position however is a unique one. He was not just a father but the law of the land. And by not condemning his son for his actions he not only caused division in his household but set precedence in his kingdom for the acceptance of violence. David had many sons, his kingdom would have been fine if he had punished Amnon. He chose not to just like many judges in this world choose not to. Unfortunately, like many men after him they protect the criminal and not the victim.

The Cost

Tamar lived her life in her brother Absalom's house as a desolate woman (v20).

Absalom hated Amnon for what he did to his sister. And this makes sense. As she lived in his house he watch the toll this assault took on his sister and then he began to think about how Amnon wasn't punished for it. His hatred grew and I dare say not just for Amnon but for his father as well.

Amnon is killed in Absalom's household. As I have always said, no one gets away with what they do. It may seem like that at first but we always experience consequences for our actions. Absalom got to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. He let his hatred fester for 2 years and then he got his own justice.

David still lost his heir, lost his beloved son Absalom & his daughter. And ended up with a kingdom divided. Absalom got Amnon killed. Because of his father's inaction Absalom further rebelled, plotting to kill David as well as dividing the kingdom against David and taking over as king. Finally, Absalom chased David all over Israel until he himself was killed by his father's advisers.

One act of inaction caused national upheavel which is what is taking place now. A nation divided.

Tamar's Legacy

She was not silent. She let it be known what happened to her because it was wrong and it was not her fault. Her name means palm tree which is a symbol of justice in Jewish culture. I believe her name means justice because God wanted it to be known that all sexual assault victims deserve justice even if the world doesn't believe so.

This story was included in the Bible for a reason and it is so that we could see that even back then even when men tried to keep it quiet. God saw.

It may seem like people get away with things but they really don't.

The Unlikely Missionary

For more check out this post from Jennifer Davis Sensenig
We Can't Turn Away From Tamar's Story

If you are a victim or know of someone who was a victim of sexual assault call RAINN at 800.656.HOPE (4673) and talk to a trained counselor who can help.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Podcast Episode 4: Be Honest... Life Sucks Sometimes

Episode 4 of the Podcast is up now!

If you are like me you have learned how to speak churchese. We have learned how to pretend and never go below the surface because if we go deeper we might be judged or rejected or shamed or ostracized. Meanwhile we are struggling - to get by, with addiction, deep trauma, suicide, you name it we struggle through it. Why? Because we are human. Our humanity doesn't stop because we follow Christ.

We need to stop acting like bad stuff doesn’t touch us, like we don't struggle and make poor decisions because it absolutely does and we absolutely do. The good news is that we can go to God. He knows it sucks and wants to help, He is waiting for you to invite Him into the mess so that y’all can fix it together. We need to stop lying to God and ourselves. And also let our lives be a testimony to others so that they don't get disillusioned. God doesn't stop our struggles, God goes with us through our struggles and makes sure that we come out on the other side whole, strong, and full of faith.

Give it a listen below or wherever you listen to podcasts. Its on all platforms. Plus, rate and subscribe. Also, follow us on Facebook at

Finally, I mention a talk that Pastor Steven Furtick has with Dr. Caroline Leaf toward the end of the podcast. It's a really great interview that shows how physically and mentally unhealthy it is to not deal with your emotions and feelings and struggles.

The Unlikely Missionary

*The views in this post and in the podcast are in no way connected to or are a reflection of Pastor Steven Furtick, Dr. Caroline Leaf or Elevation Church. They are all my own.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Praise Break: All We Ask

Music has a way of moving me more than anything else can. As I sat at my desk listening to this song the Holy Spirit guided me to share this with you.

Feel the Holy Spirit in the words.


All I want to hear God tell me when my time on this earth comes to an end is - Damaris you ran the race, you kept the fight, My Child, Well Done! That's why I do what I do.

♮Take me home with you my lord 
When my life is through 
Take me home with peace my lord Let me rest with you 
When I've fought the fight 
And I've kept the faith 
And my race on earth is won 
All I ask is that you say well done♮ 

♮Lord please let me hear you say well done


The Unlikely Misionary

Monday, September 17, 2018

Jesus Shaking Tables

Imagine hearing that your house is being robbed. You would probably go straight there to see what's going on.

Next, imagine walking into your home and there is the robbery, in progress. I’m sure you would be in shock.

Now imagine that it’s a friend or relative that is robbing you. You’d probably be feeling betrayed.

Finally, imagine that they look up, see you and continue to rob you in your face. Now here comes the anger.

This ladies and gentlemen is where we encounter Jesus in Mathew 21:12-14.

This is a story that most know well. Jesus goes into the temple, flies into a rage and throws some tables.

It’s not that simple and the way we simplify it almost trivializes it significance in the Word (Everything in the Bible is significant or it wouldn't be there). Jesus "shook" them tables because he was being robbed; of reputation, of experience and of respect.
  1. REPUTATION: When we do the wrong thing in Jesus name we damage God’s reputation as a loving, righteous God. It makes it harder to share the Gospel because you have to combat all these false ideologies about who God is because of what people have done. It’s harder but not impossible. God can do anything. But how dare you sully the Name of Jesus because you can't act right?
  2. EXPERIENCE: The last time the scriptures show Jesus in the temple it is a very different experience. Jesus was just here 10 years ago. The first time was a time of fellowship and spirited discussions about the things of God (Luke 2:41-52). How quickly those same men who had once sat in Jesus presence in amazement are now robbing the people blind. How hurtful and disappointing is that? People you trust and should know better. Plus, to top it all off the first time Jesus was able to walk right in and fellowship now the people can't even get in to worship without paying.
  3. RESPECT: Doesn’t this show just an utter lack of respect for God? This is the same temple where only the priests were allowed into its more Holy places because it was were God dwelled and now it’s the marketplace? And my commandments say do not steal and you are stealing from my people in my house? And you say you are serving me but you are really serving the money you are stealing? The level of disrespect is unreal. What’s even more incredible is that they had no fear and that is the most troubling. However, God said your gonna learn today.
Side note: to all you people who do evil in God's name just because you think you have gotten away with it doesn’t mean you have and won’t get punished for it. The wages of sin has and will always be death. Nothing gets by God. It just is a matter of if it happens on this side of heaven or not.

Have you ever been so angry and frustrated you just want to hit someone? Jesus had the power and authority to destroy everyone in that place. The wages of sin is death. But instead he used this moment as a lesson.

There is a righteousness in anger. A Holy Discontent that calls for righteousness and justice. And sometimes the call to act leads to something that will get people's attentions. The overturned tables did just that, they got everyone's attention.

The reason that the temple was filled with “thieves” is because no one stood up to say, this is wrong. Jesus wasn't the first one to question what was going on but he was the first to act on what he knew to be true about God and what was happening wasn't it. We often don’t question people when they do things understand the umbrella of God but this is why you HAVE TO read the Bible for yourself.

When something is presented to you that goes directly against the word of God you have to call it out. And you have to bring attention to it.

This was what Jesus was doing in the temple that day.

We are so scandalized by the things preachers and church folks do. I often ask myself, why are we so scandalized? We shouldn’t be because they are still people and religious people have been doing scandalous stuff since before the time of Jesus.

What Jesus is showing us is that when these things happen we should get angry, call for righteousness and demand justice.

The problem today and back then too is that instead of confronting it, church folks bury it, ignore it, use God as a weapon against the victim to maintain the status quo. Jesus' example shows that is the exact opposite of what we should do. The problem should be dealt with swiftly and thrown out. Because God cannot dwell in darkness and that which is buried and covered up He will illuminate.

Enter Jesus. He said this is enough. You have robbed my Father and I long enough. You have hurt the people long enough. You have stolen not only their resources but the sanctity and safety of the place my Father dwells for the people, and tainted the relationship they have with Him.

I don’t know about you but I get extremely pissed of when I hear about misconduct in the church. I have actually experienced it first hand. My mother, sister and I were invited to a Women’s Day celebration at a church in our neighborhood by our neighbor. This is not uncommon in the church world especially as a pastor's daughter. People invite you to a lot of things and often times you feel obligated to go in order to represent your church.

Now a lot occurred in this one experience, I have seen a lot y’all in this Christian walk I'm on, but what was most disturbing was the pastor. He came out toward the end to pray and close the service, when from the pulpit he saw my sister and I. I immediately got a bad vibe off this guy. Pastor or not people are people and are capable of anything. He kept staring at us and it was unnerving.

When service was over and we are greeting each other it’s like he made a beeline for us. I thank God for my mother because she saw him coming and immediately stepped in front of my sister and I, grabbed his hand in a firm handshake and didn’t let go until he finished talking to us.

A few weeks later that same pastor was the front page news story for raping a girl in his congregation. I went to my mom and said I knew there was something off about this guy. She then told me that the Holy Spirit told her that he wasn’t right and to protect us from him. She didn’t know why at the time but she was obedient and that is why she physical blocked him from touching us.

Unfortunately this young girl who was brave enough to come forward was crucified by her church. Thankfully for this young girl her family believed her and stood by her. However, people I knew backed the pastor and tried to trash talk this girl. It was heartbreaking and disgusting.

However, my mom she was angry and not afraid. If anyone brought it up to her she would call him out, even when it wasn’t the popular opinion. She would support the young lady’s account and she often said, I have two daughters that girls age, if something happened to them I would hope you would believe them. In her own way, my mother was shaking tables.

This passage is so much more than Jesus being angry. It’s about demanding righteousness and calling out unrighteousness especially when done is Jesus' name.

You better put some respeck on His name.

The Unlikely Missionary

PS - This title came to me because I watch Love and Hip Hop (the Lord is yet working on me) and for some reason I remembered a scene with K. Michelle saying, "Don't shake unless you ready to get shook". Remember I'm the Unlikely Missionary.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Anger is Biblical People

Anger gets a bad wrap because we often equate the things we do in anger with the feeling itself.

Anger is a healthy emotion. Things happen. We get pissed. Now this is the point in the dialogue where the sinning part can take place. Our reaction to the anger is where we get ourselves in trouble.

In the Bible, God got angry all the time. People usually talk about and preach about Jesus getting angry (John 2:13-25) - I will talk about that more in my next post (Jesus Shaking Tables) - and Him not sinning but we love to forget that the children of Israel had a habit of pissing God off every chance they got. God is the very blueprint of how to be angry and sin not. Where you you think Jesus got it from? Like Father, Like Son.

The Old Testament is basically this on a loop: God told the children of Israel to do something. They do the opposite. God gets mad (usually after several and I mean several warnings). Them doing what they did causes them to suffer the consequences of their actions. They ask for forgiveness. God eventual saves them from themselves.

God in His anger NEVER sins. 

Now the question is, How is that possible?

Its all in the response. When someone hits you or talks bad about you or does you wrong, after the feeling of anger our first response is to get them back bigger, better, harder then they did us. In most cases it done with glee with an expectation of satisfaction. And in some cases its laced with hatred.

In each and every instance where God gets angry, He's angry at what they did, not at them personally. And it is never laced with hatred or malicious.

I know. I hear you but just stay with me.

Lets look at a couple of scenarios shall we.

Scenario one: God told Moses to speak to the rock (Numbers 20). He gave Moses very specific instructions. Take the staff but speak to the rock and water will come forth. Now Moses - because his problem was always not trusting God fully - struck the rock with the staff. Now the water still came forth but Moses did the wrong thing.

This scenario is a familiar one right? Whether at home or at work. You give someone specific instructions to do something and instead they do their own thing. Now whatever the task was may still end up being successful but their disobedience created other obstacles or problems for you to overcome that wouldn't have occurred if they had just been obedient.

This scenario is no different.

Back story: the children of Israel had been fighting with God because of a water crisis. Which when just looking at this verse only wouldn't seem like that big of a deal. However, when looked at it in context in previous verses God had literally saved them from slavery and been supplying all of their needs during the entire journey to the Promised Land. They really had nothing to complain about because God had shown Himself to be faithful in much bigger situations. (Side note: How many times does God have to prove His faithfulness to us before we will believe Him? That's a word for me too.)

Knowing this, God gives Moses the instructions He does to show the Israelites that God can do anything even speak to a rock for some water. But Moses, as God's representative, didn't even fully believe God and him striking the rock was a mini rebellion in and of itself when you think about it. Like he knew better than the God who had parted the Red Sea. Like parted the literal sea! This put God in a spot where if He didn't still bring forth the water the Israelites would have had just another thing to quarrel about.

God's response. Moses, because you didn't believe you won't see the Promised Land.

Our response. That is not what I told you to do you big faithless dummy. I told you to speak to the rock. Speak! Are you deaf, blind or dumb? Like really? See, now you ain't getting into the Promised Land because I need to teach you a lesson for being so dumb and foolish. Thats what you get. You gonna learn today.

Now we think that God's response is harsh but truly it was just Moses consequence for disobedience. The difference in how the world would response is that we wouldn't let Moses in because how dare he do the opposite of what I said. Are you dumb? That wasn't God response at all because I believe that He was quite sad that Moses didn't fully trust Him and because he didn't he couldn't lead God's people into the Promise Land. Imagine if this got tougher? How would he be able to lead them if he didn't have the faith for now after all he had seen and done? The world on the other hand would probably say good for you and some would actually be happy he wasn't going to make it.


Lets look at a second scenario. 2 Kings 17:18 expressly says that God was angry with the children of Israel. Read the first part of 2 Kings 17 to see why. He was so mad at them that He removed them from His presence. In essence, He kicked them out.

Even in this he was sin-less. I know, you're like how though?


God's response. Fine, if you want to be out here sinning, running amok, being disobedient and not following my commandments go ahead. But you can do that without the benefit of living in my house and the protection and favor that brings. I don't have to do what I have been doing. I was keeping people from attacking you but no more. If they want to attack you I won't stop them. If that means that you get conquered so be it. I have been protecting you from your bad decisions and choices but no more. You're not allowed back in My house (His presence) and life will be hard. But I warned you what life without me would be like and now you will experience it yourself.

Our response. You stupid, tired, no good, evil, wicked not nice words. You want to do this to me? After everything I have done for you. I'm gonna show you. F-you. F-your mother. F-your whole family. And you can get these hands.


Do you see the difference? Its in the response.

God doesn't say, How could you do this to me? Now I've got to get you. Nope. The sin lies in the response. Not in the anger but in the action. With God, when He is angry He simply allows us to experience the consequences of our sin.

Us? We want to hurt you just as much as you have angered and pissed us off. We want to stick it to you. That's never God's purpose. God gets angry because He knows the consequences of our disobedience and He is trying to keep us from those consequences. Most of the time our anger isn't nearly as noble.

I write all this to say....

Anger is Biblical

Take the pressure off. Just re-evaluate your response. We get angry because we get hurt. And that's fine. However, we need to let it go, not let it take root or wish ill on anyone but allow the natural consequences of this world play out. Its not easy but it is necessary.

The Unlikely Missionary

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Podcast Episode 3: Living in THE Truth

I started a podcast! We are 3 (three) episodes in. I talked about a Jonah moment over on Facebook and this was it. God had placed on my heart to start this podcast a year ago and I sat in the fish a whole year. But, I finally decided to be obedient and the fish spit me out and I'm so glad that I did. This has been a good ride so far. God is good.

Episode 3 is up now. In this episode we talk about truth. In this crazy world we are in today the truth is in the eye of the beholder. We are living in our truth. But God is the same yesterday, today and forever and in God's economy there is one truth, THE truth. Jesus is the way, TRUTH, and the life.

 Thanks for listening. The podcast is on all of these platforms. So please listen and rate.

Also, follow us on Facebook at

The Unlikely Missionary