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Showing posts from April, 2020

Not Traditional, But God is Still Resurrecting

This isn’t a traditional Resurrection Sunday but it isn’t unprecedented. On the first Resurrection Sunday there were similar emotions palpating the air. Sorrow, fear, heartache, pain. People in their houses afraid to come outside. There we no big hats and elaborate outfits. There were no lilies and choir rehearsed selections. While they weren’t fighting a deadly disease the disciples and the followers of Jesus had experienced trauma. They had just seen him killed two days ago. Crucified, hung on a Cross and breathed his last breath. All of their hopes, dreams died in that instant. It was replaced with disappointment, fear, hopelessness and loss. They were looking for a conqueror, a deliverer, a warrior to remove all their enemies, obstacles and hardships. They believed that Jesus was that and they put all their eggs in his basket. Now He was dead. Killed by the state. And they feared they would be next. This disease is killing those we love and we are afraid . Afraid to...