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Whom I Serve

Its funny how many different versions of Jesus people have. He's black, he's white. How silly that is because he was Jewish. They say He was rich but His cradle was an animal's feeding trough. My Savior was a poor carpenter who depended on the kindness of others for food and shelter. He was a person that most people would ignore if they passed Him on the street. He wouldn't be given a second thought.

All the things that we think savior's should be He was not. He wasn't regal or rich and powerful in society. But He was definitely whom we needed. He cared about the poor because he was. He was willing to touch the untouchable because He knew that at the end of His life we would treat Him like a leper. His heart broke over the death of a friend. He knew what it was to go hungry, to sleep outside, to have friends and family turn their back on Him. He knew what it meant to feel physical pain.

And when it was all said and done He endured torture and crucifixion because He couldn't bear the thought of us living in hopelessness and suffering.

My Savior is my best friend. He has washed away my tears, hugged me when my heart was broken, looked me in the eye and let me know that everything will be alright. He has taken me back every time I strayed, sought me out when I ran away, loves me unconditionally, and forgives me all my mistakes to never bring them up again. Never has He led me wrong or let me down.

He is the only reason I get up in the morning, the only true reason for my joy, the only person who knows my heart and my thoughts.  The only person who has never hurt me, shown me malice or ill will even when I have severely wronged Him. He's the only reason I still believe in people.

True it would be "easier" to go with the flow of the world. But if I did I would be dead. Literally. (I'll explain a little about that later) I would be depressed, without hope, and alone. All the things Jesus wanted to prevent when He died and rose again. I don't care what happens to me because I trust Him. I'll count it all joy because he gets it and understands it all.

And serving Him has set me free.

Best decision I ever made to follow a poor Jewish carpenter who was beaten and killed so that I wouldn't have to live my life without His love.


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