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Showing posts from 2011

What If I'm the One to Start A Revolution?

What if  am? What if you are? What if you are supposed to get people talking, get people moving, incite change, light a fire that burns brightly for eternity? Who knew that a baby born so poor he had no home to rest his head and rags to cover his body would forever impact our world? He has done great, Amazing , MIND-BLOWING things. And He lives in me. So why can't I do those same things. I know that I doubt my our power, my own voice forgetting that I have the power of the Almighty God backing me up. We might not live to see our revolution at its height, you may never here people speak your name in awe, I may never get recognition for the difference I make but that's not the point. The point is to see Jesus Christ praised. The point is to learn to trust Him with your whole heart. The point is to believe that God can use you to start a revolution. The point is to see the lives of others changed by the POWER of the LIVING God. Hallelujah! That is the point. That is the...

Living Right Ain't Easy

I've never been popular and I'm pretty sure I never will be. Christian aren't always popular people. History shows them as outcasts, those people popular people ignore. Prostitutes, adulterers, tax collectors, nerds, lepers, the homeless. I'm in good company. Like me they all looked at their lives, realized that they wanted something better and realized that Jesus was the answer. Today it seems people use Jesus as a get out of jail free card. Just like old time mobsters who every time they killed somebody went to confession asking for absolution. It doesn't work that way. Our lives should change, our lifestyle should change once we say "Jesus, you're my guy"; the Head of my life, my all in all. I always know when I'm off track. I feel this chasm between myself and my Savior and I am desperate to close the gap.  I could very easily say forget this life, I'm gonna out there and do whatever I want. Smoke, drink, have sex, break some hearts, ma...

We've Lost Our Fire

This isn't an indictment. Its a statement of fact. The American church has lost the power it once had as it has opened its doors and let the Holy Spirit fly out.With flocks being lead by shepherds who themselves aren't fed. Allowing the world lies to rewrite God's truth. Running around lukewarm, saying I love Jesus yes I do, I love Jesus how about you. Like this is a kid's game and not real, life and death. Caught up in hoop dreams and rap bars, seeing stars instead of looking up to heaven. Getting loose on Saturday night, "catching" the Holy Ghost on Sunday, then cussing someone out on Monday. All the while with our C on our chest cuz I'm a Christian and I'm blessed. Looking for our reward on earth in the midst of a recession. Accepting mediocre when our Savior is a King, ruler of this earth spinning on an orbit that He could break with a snap of His finger. Acting like we got time when His return is nearer than when we first believed. Living l...