2016 has been very... (insert whatever and how many adjectives you want) Many of those who started the year won't finish it and many who didn't start it will live to see another year. The political, financial, personal, professional and emotional landscapes for most as 2017 looms may not look promising and at the very least daunting. But hope... Hope is, in my opinion, as necessary to life as air. Hopelessness is a deep pit that can swallow you whole. When our hope is built on shifting, sinking sand it is very easy for us to lose it. But.. MY hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness... God is still God. The sun still rises and sets. Jesus is still risen from the dead. So therefore I will always have hope because money, people, things, leaders, bosses, jobs, empires, nations pass away but inspite of our best efforts to destroy and eradicate God from our world HE STILL LIVES and HIS PROMISES are still TRUE . I dare not trust the sweetest...