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Reason for the Season

I learned at a young age that Santa was not real and that Christmas was not about receiving.

As far back as I can remember Christmas Day at my house started with church, then we would go visit people who may not have a visitor at a nursing home or the hospital. We would bring them gifts and conversation and sing carols and THEN we went home to eat and THEN we opened presents. We sometimes didn't open presents until well into the afternoon depending on how many visits we made.

As a kid, this was annoying because I wanted to get home to see what I got. Of course. In our little kid mind its all about the gifts! Now as an adult I appreciate that my parents put the focus on serving others and not ourselves.

That's what Christmas in about after all. Jesus didn't come to earth to be born because it was going to be a fun vacation, a reward for being a good Son. We are celebrating the ultimate act of service. Jesus was born to die in 33 years. We don't know when we are going to die but Jesus knew because His birth was an assignment to bring hope and salvation. His mission and death didn't catch Him by surprise.

What I didn't realize as a kid was how much our visits meant to the people we visited. Some of whom may not have had a visitor in a long time. And looking back I know that Jesus was pleased that we took time on His day to be hope and joy. Couldn't you just imagine Jesus doing something like that on His birthday?

The reason for this season is of course Jesus. And this holiday I challenge you to be His hands and feet. If you see someone in need offer a hand. My husband is amazing at this. If he sees a homeless person on the street and he has $5 he's giving that $5. No questions asked. If you know of someone who will be alone this holiday give them a call or stop by for a visit. If you know of a little child who won't receive a gift this year for whatever reason, when you buy your kid/niece/nephew/godbaby/grandbaby a gift buy another to share. We all are always just one step away from amazing blessing or terrible hardship. And Jesus always gave even when what He gave was of high price.

Love today. Show compassion today. Bless someone today. 
Expecting nothing in return. It will enrich your life.

For me, now as an adult, Christmas is my favorite holiday not because I'm gonna get gifts but because I get to be a blessing to people I love and care about.

God loves you, so share that love today. Be His hands and feet.

The Unlikely Missionary,


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