I have always been puzzled by this because first Jesus Christ is not white, He's Jewish and second the first Christ followers were not white they were Jewish. In the climate of society Jews are often the targets of white supremacists so as I have said this association has always puzzled me. The term white man's religion came about because of Christianity's popularity in Europe which is predominately white. However, that in no way means that it is the religion of white people or that it is only for white people. In fact during Jesus' day the term "white people" didn't exist. You were categorized based on your country of origin (Midianite, Cushite, Canaanite) and honestly most of the people during Jesus' time including Jesus himself had brown skin. This is the Middle East we are talking about not Europe. These are farmers, carpenters, laborers who spent many hours in the hot sun we are talking about. The question was not what shade of white you were ...