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Singing in the Pain

It was a rough night for me last night.

I hold a lot of things in because I don't trust many people with my heart. So when I do and then it is stomped on something rises in my that makes me lash out. Then when its all over I'm broken.

But last night, as I sang my son to sleep I sang the song I love you Lord. And as the song soothed him it soothed me too. The one thing I never did before after being heartbroken was sing. Music is very spiritual for me. God speaks to me in and through music in a way that no one else can. Even after my son was asleep I kept on singing and my anger subsided and I just heard God tell me He loves me in spite of what other people say or try to label you as or do to you. I love you and I see you. You are important and special to me.

Normally it would have taken me hours to go to sleep on a night like last night but it only took 20 mins. I woke up today, in a good place. Not because last night doesn't still hurt or that the words don't still sting. But because God is still in control of my life. No ones words or thoughts about me change the thoughts and plans God has for my life. I'm not going to change my plans. I'm going to sing through the pain and trust God will do what He said He will do.

He is with me ALWAYS and for that reason I rejoice and press forward.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Trust God today! Give Him your past and trust Him with your present and future!

#HeHoldsMyFuture #HesAble #SingThroughThePain #Rejoice

The Unlikely Missionary


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