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Showing posts from September, 2018

Podcast Episode 5: Policing Morality is NOT Our Job

Where is the love people of God? God gave us to two commandments ( Matthew 22:37-40 ) and neither one involves telling people what to do. American Christians are doing a bad job at loving because they are too busy being the morality police. News flash: That’s not our job! This may be an Unpopular opinion but we as Christians are in no way qualified to tell others (non-believers or believers) whether they are worthy of entrance into the kingdom of God.  I'm not saying that we can't determine right and wrong, good or bad. I'm saying that it is not our job to condemn people to hell, throw away people, or try to change the minds of people who don't believe as we do. So what is our job?  In Episode 5 I talk about what God has really call us to do. You can listen to this podcast in the player above or in Apple Podcasts , Stitcher  & Spotify . Please rate and subscribe. For more Unlikely Missionary follow me on Facebook at

When Society Ignores Rape

I had an interesting exchange on Facebook awhile ago which moved me to create this post. However, I hesitated to put this out. However, since them we have had Dr. Nasser and Michigan State, another Catholic church sandal and a Supreme Court Justice nominee that has been accused of Sexual Assault. So I have finally found the courage to post something that needs to be said from the Word of God. - There is a lot of discussion of rape culture in America especially when rapists are given three month sentences for their awful crimes. There is so much BS out there about how women can keep themselves from being raped as if we can steel trap our legs shut. And it particularly grieves me when supposed people of God speak these things out of their own mouths. But what does the Bible say? The story of Tamar   in the Bible is a perfect example of what happens when society ignores rape ( 2 Samuel 13 ). It has a high cost. King David, we all know King David, had an obscene amount o...

Podcast Episode 4: Be Honest... Life Sucks Sometimes

Episode 4 of the Podcast is up now! If you are like me you have learned how to speak churchese. We have learned how to pretend and never go below the surface because if we go deeper we might be judged or rejected or shamed or ostracized. Meanwhile we are struggling - to get by, with addiction, deep trauma, suicide, you name it we struggle through it. Why? Because we are human. Our humanity doesn't stop because we follow Christ. We need to stop acting like bad stuff doesn’t touch us, like we don't struggle and make poor decisions because it absolutely does and we absolutely do. The good news is that we can go to God. He knows it sucks and wants to help, He is waiting for you to invite Him into the mess so that y’all can fix it together. We need to stop lying to God and ourselves. And also let our lives be a testimony to others so that they don't get disillusioned. God doesn't stop our struggles, God goes with us through our struggles and makes sure that we come out o...

Praise Break: All We Ask

Music has a way of moving me more than anything else can. As I sat at my desk listening to this song the Holy Spirit guided me to share this with you. Feel the Holy Spirit in the words.   All I want to hear God tell me when my time on this earth comes to an end is - Damaris you ran the race, you kept the fight, My Child, Well Done! That's why I do what I do. ♮Take me home with you my lord  When my life is through  Take me home with peace my lord Let me rest with you  When I've fought the fight  And I've kept the faith  And my race on earth is won  All I ask is that you say well done♮  ♮Lord please let me hear you say well done ♮ Amen! The Unlikely Misionary DHW

Jesus Shaking Tables

Imagine hearing that your house is being robbed. You would probably go straight there to see what's going on. Next, imagine walking into your home and there is the robbery, in progress. I’m sure you would be in shock. Now imagine that it’s a friend or relative that is robbing you. You’d probably be feeling betrayed. Finally, imagine that they look up, see you and continue to rob you in your face. Now here comes the anger. This ladies and gentlemen is where we encounter Jesus in Mathew 21:12-14 . This is a story that most know well. Jesus goes into the temple, flies into a rage and throws some tables. It’s not that simple and the way we simplify it almost trivializes it significance in the Word (Everything in the Bible is significant or it wouldn't be there). Jesus "shook" them tables because he was being robbed; of reputation , of experience and of respect . REPUTATION : When we do the wrong thing in Jesus name we damage God’s reputation as a loving, ...

Anger is Biblical People

Anger gets a bad wrap because we often equate the things we do in anger with the feeling itself. Anger is a healthy emotion. Things happen. We get pissed. Now this is the point in the dialogue where the sinning part can take place. Our reaction to the anger is where we get ourselves in trouble. In the Bible, God got angry all the time. People usually talk about and preach about Jesus getting angry ( John 2:13-25 ) - I will talk about that more in my next post ( Jesus Shaking Tables ) - and Him not sinning but we love to forget that the children of Israel had a habit of pissing God off every chance they got. God is the very blueprint of how to be angry and sin not. Where you you think Jesus got it from? Like Father, Like Son. The Old Testament is basically this on a loop: God told the children of Israel to do something. They do the opposite. God gets mad (usually after several and I mean several warnings). Them doing what they did causes them to suffer the consequences of their ac...

Podcast Episode 3: Living in THE Truth

I started a podcast! We are 3 (three) episodes in. I talked about a Jonah moment over on Facebook and this was it. God had placed on my heart to start this podcast a year ago and I sat in the fish a whole year. But, I finally decided to be obedient and the fish spit me out and I'm so glad that I did. This has been a good ride so far. God is good. Episode 3 is up now. In this episode we talk about truth. In this crazy world we are in today the truth is in the eye of the beholder. We are living in our truth. But God is the same yesterday, today and forever and in God's economy there is one truth, THE truth. Jesus is the way, TRUTH, and the life.  Thanks for listening. The podcast is on all of these platforms. So please listen and rate. Anchor Apple Podcasts Breaker Google Podcasts Overcast Pocket Casts RadioPublic Spotify Stitcher Also, follow us on Facebook at The Unlikely Missionary DHW