Have you ever just sat and observed people?
I've been a very cautious person since I was a little girl. In my cautiousness I have learned to study people.
I have often struggles when people put me on the spot because it takes me time to process things in order to come to the best answer or solution.
God does this too.
He observes us.
He learns us.
He knows us.
And He doesn't act until we are ready because He knows the best path for our lives.
We often get angry at God for not answering our prayers when we want Him to. Its not until God gives us His best that we realize that what we requested pales in comparison to what God's plan is.
In this season of my life I have learned great humility and great strength.
I never knew I was strong until I got evicted from my apartment at 6 months pregnant and decided to live and fight instead of lay down and give up.
It was in this season that I had to evaluate my relationship with God. If I hadn't been forced to evaluate my relationship with God I wouldn't have discovered I was walking around disappointed and bitter at God and realizing that He still loved me anyway.
If I hadn't been challenged to trust God even when I couldn't see it, I wouldn't be launching a business. I wouldn't have come to a place of surrender to God's will.
If He had answered my prayer when I prayed it 4 years ago I would have gotten evicted again, but this time with 2 kids, and my life would be in tatters.
I didn't know but God knew.
And I now count it all joy.
Because while in my mess I was and still am blessed.
I've lost a baby
I've been evicted.
I've been counted out.
Laughed at.
Treated like I didn't know what I was doing or wasn't qualified.
But I am still here because God saw me. And He loved me the same.
I don't care where you are right now. What you are doing. What you are going through.
God sees you and He loves you just the same.
Following God is not the absence of tension, heartache and loss. It means having the strength and support to persevere in spite of. God, Himself, gave up His son for us. Jesus was homeless, and cash poor but He was rich because He understood that in the midst of the struggle God was with Him, God was in control, and God would work it out for His good.
If you became a Christian to not experience pain then someone sold you a raw deal.
When you become a Christian your circumstances may not change but your response to those circumstances will and that is what changes your circumstances.
When I miscarried my first baby I was devastated. When my due date came I cried so much, my husband just held me. All I saw was pain. But the truth is that if I had that baby then I would have been pregnant with a one year old and no home. And I would never want any child of mine to experience that.
Now I have two healthy babies that I don't take for granted and God replaced the one I lost with a joy so that July isn't filled with pain but a birthday celebration.
The Bible is full of imperfect stories that God redeems. Not by changing the circumstances but by changing the heart of those in those circumstances.
We may not understand it all but truthfully we don't really need to. We just need to know that He will work it out.
I'm a numbers girl. i need to know what steps I'm going to take before I move. But God has been teaching me to move in His will, in His steps and footprints. For His way is the best way.
Be blessed.
I've been a very cautious person since I was a little girl. In my cautiousness I have learned to study people.
I have often struggles when people put me on the spot because it takes me time to process things in order to come to the best answer or solution.
God does this too.
He observes us.
He learns us.
He knows us.
And He doesn't act until we are ready because He knows the best path for our lives.
We often get angry at God for not answering our prayers when we want Him to. Its not until God gives us His best that we realize that what we requested pales in comparison to what God's plan is.
In this season of my life I have learned great humility and great strength.
I never knew I was strong until I got evicted from my apartment at 6 months pregnant and decided to live and fight instead of lay down and give up.
It was in this season that I had to evaluate my relationship with God. If I hadn't been forced to evaluate my relationship with God I wouldn't have discovered I was walking around disappointed and bitter at God and realizing that He still loved me anyway.
If I hadn't been challenged to trust God even when I couldn't see it, I wouldn't be launching a business. I wouldn't have come to a place of surrender to God's will.
If He had answered my prayer when I prayed it 4 years ago I would have gotten evicted again, but this time with 2 kids, and my life would be in tatters.
I didn't know but God knew.
And I now count it all joy.
Because while in my mess I was and still am blessed.
I've lost a baby
I've been evicted.
I've been counted out.
Laughed at.
Treated like I didn't know what I was doing or wasn't qualified.
But I am still here because God saw me. And He loved me the same.
I don't care where you are right now. What you are doing. What you are going through.
God sees you and He loves you just the same.
Following God is not the absence of tension, heartache and loss. It means having the strength and support to persevere in spite of. God, Himself, gave up His son for us. Jesus was homeless, and cash poor but He was rich because He understood that in the midst of the struggle God was with Him, God was in control, and God would work it out for His good.
If you became a Christian to not experience pain then someone sold you a raw deal.
When you become a Christian your circumstances may not change but your response to those circumstances will and that is what changes your circumstances.
When I miscarried my first baby I was devastated. When my due date came I cried so much, my husband just held me. All I saw was pain. But the truth is that if I had that baby then I would have been pregnant with a one year old and no home. And I would never want any child of mine to experience that.
Now I have two healthy babies that I don't take for granted and God replaced the one I lost with a joy so that July isn't filled with pain but a birthday celebration.
The Bible is full of imperfect stories that God redeems. Not by changing the circumstances but by changing the heart of those in those circumstances.
God knows best.
I'm a numbers girl. i need to know what steps I'm going to take before I move. But God has been teaching me to move in His will, in His steps and footprints. For His way is the best way.
Be blessed.
The Unlikely Missionary
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