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Showing posts from October, 2021

Praise Break: Take You at Your Word

Avalon is one of my favorite Comtempory Christian groups. I have basically every CD they put out. I know all the songs by heart and have even sang them in church. Needless to say, I'm a fan. lol.  This song, Take You at Your Word just seemed fitting for today. The more you read and know of God as you walk in relationship with Him you realize you can take Him at His Word and your heart can rest assured that He's God you. We just need to be reminded sometimes that, Your word is life, Your word is love, Your word is true I can take You at Your word And my heart can rest assured Oh, I love you, Lord I trust You As I live I've learned That I can take You at Your word The Unlikely Missonary Damaris  

Chase God and the Rest Will Follow

I realized the times in my life when I was the most blessed was when I wasn't actively trying to make it happen. Now that seems counter to the world and it should. The world says, create a plan, work the plan by any means necessary and meet your goal. And if you didn't meet the goal you didn't try hard enough. God's Word says, I am sure that the good work God began in you will continue until he completes it on the day when Jesus Christ comes again. Philippians 1:6 ERV It says nothing about a plan, it doesn't list out steps, it doesn't say if you work hard enough. It says if God has placed something in your heart to do He will complete it.   Since I was young God placed in my heart the following things. Get married Have kids Have a home My priorities in life have changed over the years but these three never did. And I worked hard to make it happen in my own strength and that didn't go too well.  Remember : IF God places it in you, HE will com...

Reject the Fake News Church Gospel

When the scripture said there is nothing new under the sun its true. When I look out at the current moment the American Evangelical Church sits in, 1 Timothy 6 speaks so deeply to this moment. Where truth is lacking, the focus is protecting offering collections, Pastors viewing themselves as gods and refusing godly instruction. In this moment we are trading God's purpose for Money and Likes. I have a fondness for the Message translation of the Bible since my time as a Youth Leader at my father's church because of how it interprets the Word. So that is the verison you will see here. 1 Timothy 6:2-10 goes as follows: 2-5  These are the things I want you to teach and preach. If you have leaders there who teach otherwise, who refuse the solid words of our Master Jesus and this godly instruction, tag them for what they are: ignorant windbags who infect the air with germs of envy, controversy, bad-mouthing, suspicious rumors. Eventually th...

They Will Know We Are Christians by Our Love

Many people say that they are Christians. But are you mirroring the Man we are named for? The Spirit of the Lord is on me, [Jesus], because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Luke 4:18, 19  (CSB) If we are condeming the poor and homeless saying they don't deserve assistance, if we support the idustrial prison complex (the same prison that enslaved Paul) instead of healing and redemption, if you believe that slavery does not need to be called out, atoned for and captives set free, if you believe that people deserve to be thrown away and cast aside then you are not love and are not a reflection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Throughout the New Testament Jesus revealed who He is so cle...

You Must Break

As I mentioned I'm doing the devotional 100 days of Believing Bigger devotional by Marshawn Evans Daniels. I'm on Day 21 and its talking about identity. I'm part of The Destiny Collective and we just  finished our live devotional reading and as I've just been sitting in it. Think about myself and how I see myself. I talk a lot about my worldview and God but I rarely talk here about what God shows me in my own quiet time. Part of the reason is not wanting to expose something so personal to judgement. Always wanting to have a perfect image when in truth I struggle just like everyone else. I'm not perfect but my entire life I have lived under this pressure to be perfect. Following protocol and being who people want me to be, Wearing Masks in order to be the me I know I can be good at. Can you relate? Today's live devotional gave me the realization that the shadow Damaris's I have created are not my savior and are actually a wei...

Praise Break: Hymn of Breakthough

 I have been in a time of Worship and Praise since early this morning and for the last 3 hours I've been listening to Israel Houghton's Feels Like Home. It has been blessing me. But the very last song was the Hymn of Breakthough. There has been such a shift in my mindset, in my expectancy of God in the last almost 20 days. I'm expecting a breakthough or even breakthrough. The lyrics say, I hear the sound of breakthough, my breakthrough is here. Everything that I need You supply. Every promise of Heaven is mine. But the words that spoke to my spirit, I am healed, I am free God has spoken I agree My breakthrough is here God has spoken, I agree. God has spoken, I agree. God has spoken, I agree. God has spoken, I agree. Let the words follow over you, let in seep to you Soul so that you know, God has a breakthrough for. No matter what you are going through, no matter the sitution. God said, God said your breakthrough is here. Stand i...

The Birthing Continues

I remember in December when I wrote that 2021 would be the year of Birth . 2020 had been incredibly hard and we all collectively experienced that pain. We were all looking for an epidural, a respite, relief from the agony. But with all that had happened in 2020 I just knew God had something that would come out of those pains. At the top of the year, I got promoted which was a birthing of all the hard, taxing but rewarding work I had done in 2020 at my organization. Then I was named to the Forbes Finance Council a few months later. I assumed, incorrectly, that this was what God had planned to birth in me in 2021. However even after this promotion and that recognition I still had expectation for more. That birthing, my promotion, was expected. I had done a lot, I had planned for it. I had labored and pushed to achieve that birthing. The recognition was not but throughout this year I have still felt pregnant. Like God was saying there is more, there is more that I have yet to show...