"I am not ashamed of the Gospel
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
I am not afraid to be counted
But I'm willing to give my life
See I'm ready to be all He wants me to be
Give up the wrong for the right
I am not ashamed of the Gospel
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
I am not afraid to be counted
But I'm willing to give my life
See I'm ready to be all He wants me to be
Give up the wrong for the right
I am not ashamed of the Gospel
of Jesus Christ"
I couldn't always say that I wasn't ashamed. Not of the gospel that my faith is based on but I was ashamed to say I was a Christian because of all those who proclaim to follow Christ and are perpetrating a fraud. Who are quick to call one a sinner forgetting they are one themselves. Who say they are loving and then will talk about you behind your back. The ones who hoop and holla on Sunday and will curse you out on Monday. Those who cause people to judge you and say, "Oh, you're a Christian".
People that even I couldn't stand. People I didn't want to call my brother or sister.
Being authentic whether Christian or not is what is the most important thing but in today's society they tell you to be fake. Put on airs, be this person, buy that thing to be a better you. How about we all be who God created us to be?
I am no longer ashamed to be a follower of Christ. I'm no longer afraid to make that known to people. I'm not flashy, I'm not in your face and I don't need to be. I just need to be me. God's love for me shines through me. I may not be "Christian" enough for some and I may be to "Christian" for others but I'm not trying to appease everybody. I don't need everyone's stamp of approval.
I want God to look at me when I stand before Him and have Him tell me, "Well done my good and faithful servant." That is my goal, to let the light of Jesus Christ shine through me.
I used to sing this song out at the top of my lungs when I was a little girl and it would always move me to tears but I never truly grasped what it meant til I got older.
I am not ashamed...
Because He wasn't ashamed to leave His throne to die for me.
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