I've been sitting with this post for a while because so many people have been using the Word of God to justify evil, using Romans 13 as a justification for killing people in the streets without impunity, taking babies from their mothers, deporting good, law abiding citizens. Before I begin to speak to some of the crazy I will say this. Yes, we need to be responsible citizens and follow the law of the land. And most of the time just living according to God's commandments (Love Him, Love your neighbor) you will do so. Yes, there are consequences for breaking those laws. However, not all laws are just and as a Christian our first obligation is what God has commanded us (Acts 5:29). The truth is God is love. He commands us to love our neighbor as our self. NONE of what is happening is loving or just or of God. You must ask yourself, would you want ANY of this happen to you. If the answer is no then you need make a serious adjustment. Romans 13: 1-3 says, "Be a good citi...