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Sowers of the Flesh

In the American Church today, unfortunately, many are sowers of the flesh in the name of Jesus.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

We love to focus on the fact that God is a loving God, and that is ABSOLUTELY true. But love does not mean the absence of correction and punishment.

I often am angered by people who put God in a bad light especially those who support the vile things that have been happening in this country as of late and justifying it with scripture. I don't need to be worried about those individuals because God's got this. However to those who inflict pain in the Name of God...

I am very sorry because that is not the nature of God.

God gives us a choice in everything we do. Our choices are our own and He stays out of it unless we invite Him in. However, when we use His Word to justify that which is COMPLETELY contradictory to who He is, God will not be mocked.

But DHW, why would God step in at that point? Because just like you don't like your words to be twisted, He don't like it either.

We as Christians forget that because we are so caught up in the love. But God will not hesitate to rebuke and bring down anyone. The Bible is full of examples of people He has knocked down a peg or a thousand -  King Saul, Paul, Jonah, Moses, David and they are all better men than those in the world today (well except maybe King Saul).

We love to pick and choose verses to support our choices and decisions. However, you can't just use some scripture. If some is true all its all true and you should fear the incorrect use of God's Word. People who say they are Christians believe that because they get away with things when they are happening that they will not experience consequences. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but God promises you that whatever you sow you will reap (verse above; Galatians 6:7-8).

If you sow hatred, if you sow disdain, if you sow uncompassion, if you show no mercy or grace, if you sow disregard for humanity.


Many of our elected officials, #PermitPattys and #BBQBeckys are beginning to experience this. You cannot treat others poorly and then expect others to treat you kindly. That is counter to the Word of God.

What is happening now with the killing of innocent people, ripping families apart, justifying ill treatment and hate is breaking the very rule of God. He gave us two commandments. Just TWO! And we can't even do that.

The way you operate is the way you will be treated. We are so quick to accuse others, to condemn others but truthfully, the Bible and its teachings are for the believer. Remember Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees; the "believers" and the "law keepers", not the "unbelievers". If you are a believer, all the things you are pointing the finger at others for God is saying, "Hey, I'm talking to you finger pointer because the stake in your eye is enormous"(Matthew 7:1-5).

I am always careful with the Word of God because God warns you about using His Word for evil. You don't get away with it. We ALL will sit in the seat of judgement (2 Corinthians 5:10) and I would rather receive my punishment here than it be met out before God.

Everything that has been happening lately in the name of God has been sowing of the Flesh and not sowing of the Spirit. The Spirit brings life not destruction and the individuals sowing of the Flesh will reap in the flesh and receive their "reward" in the flesh. Their actions show where their treasures are stored and since it is here on earth it is not in heaven (Matthew 6:19-2).

"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" 
Matthew 16:26

Some of ya'll gonna find out cuz He will reward you for what you have done and what you amass on earth won't go with you to heaven. Get right people.

The Unlikely Missionary


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