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Serving God When Government is Wrong

I've been sitting with this post for a while because so many people have been using the Word of God to justify evil, using Romans 13 as a justification for killing people in the streets without impunity, taking babies from their mothers, deporting good, law abiding citizens.

Before I begin to speak to some of the crazy I will say this. Yes, we need to be responsible citizens and follow the law of the land. And most of the time just living according to God's commandments (Love Him, Love your neighbor) you will do so. Yes, there are consequences for breaking those laws. However, not all laws are just and as a Christian our first obligation is what God has commanded us (Acts 5:29).

The truth is God is love. He commands us to love our neighbor as our self. NONE of what is happening is loving or just or of God. You must ask yourself, would you want ANY of this happen to you. If the answer is no then you need make a serious adjustment.

Romans 13: 1-3 says, "Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order. So live responsibly as a citizen. If you’re irresponsible to the state, then you’re irresponsible with God, and God will hold you responsible. Duly constituted authorities are only a threat if you’re trying to get by with something. Decent citizens should have nothing to fear."

The first argument that many make is, God is over all government so therefore He supports what this administration is doing.

First of all, with this argument that would mean that God is for every dictatorship, Hitler, and corrupt government that has ever been in existence. We know this is not true. 

Yes, God is over all government. They does not mean that God is for all government. The two are not the same. He allows people to have power in a very similar way that He let the children of Israel have Saul for their king. God was not for Saul but He allowed Saul to come to power. Many Christians in this nation wanted this"king" and God let you have him. He also allowed the children of Israel to experience all the consequences of that desire.

Because God is over all government He can bring them down as well. Please remember that in the Bible God also left that same King Saul, destroyed whole kingdoms, and let His chosen people be taken into captivity for doing evil. America is no different.

Second, In this same Romans 13 it says that if there is peace and order it is from God. What is going on in this country is the exact opposite of that. There is no peace. Everyday there is a new story, a new horror and therefore is NOT of God.

Third, it says "Duly constituted authorities". What does that mean you ask? I asked the same thing. What it means is that those in authority over us are properly (formally valid and correct) appointed to govern us (Free Dictionary). It is my opinion that this government is not duly appointed because as the Senate committee quietly concluded, Russia meddled in our election.

Finally, the Bible says to follow the law. Protesting the government is not breaking the law. Standing in the gap for those who can't help themselves is not against the law. Separating families is not the law of this land.

Second, argument is, they are breaking the law so they get what they deserve.

What is true is that when you don't follow the law you invite bad consequences into your life. However, in most cases, those seeking asylum are not breaking the law. They are coming here to ask for help. With that being said even if they were breaking the law, God tells us as Christians to show people mercy. For my fellow Christians who show such heartlessness in the face of children being ripped from their mothers whether by ICE or an officer not following protocol, read James 2:13. When you are cold, heartless and merciless God will show you no mercy at judgement.

What we forget is that Jesus was the first person to call for the separation of church and state. You give to God what is God's and that trumps the law of the land. If the government is just then when following God you will be in alignment with the law. However, when the government is unjust that won't be the case. But following God is ALWAYS our first duty. How many times has preaching the Word of God been illegal? How many times has praying been against the law? Didn't Daniel end up in the lion's den for praying to God? How many times were Peter, John, John the Baptist, and Paul found guilty of breaking the law of the land yet they were following the commands of God?

If you say you are a Christian, God tells you to love Him, love your neighbor and show mercy. If you don't look at EVERYTHING through this lens you are not in line with God. If you try to justify ill treatment, unrighteousness and evil with God's Word He will deal with you in the same manner you have dealt with others. If you believe that people deserve to die because they didn't "comply" don't be surprised when that same mentality is visited upon you.

So as a Christian what do I do when the government is wrong?

First, pray.

1 Timothy 2:2-3 says, "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,

People often assume this means pray for the success of those in leadership over us. That is not true. When the children of Israel cried out to God because the government over them was unjust they weren't praying for its success, they were praying for justice and deliverance (Judges 6:7; Exodus 3:9).

That is my prayer. God tells us to pray for all people that we may live peaceful and quiet lives. No where in that verse does it say to pray for success. It says to pray that you may live in peace. I have no peace knowing that children are being taken, put in cages and their parents being deported without them. If you have peace in your heart with that, something is wrong with you. So I will petition God for justice and deliverance and I will keep praying that until this government is brought down.

After I pray, I will fight. I will speak up as I'm doing here and where I can be most useful. We are all called to different levels of action. Do as you are so led.

Remember serving God does not mean that you always agree with government because not all the people in authority over us are right. God is love, God is peace. God calls us to love and show mercy. Thats it. So check yourself.

The Unlikely Missionary


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