"Lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me..." One thing that never goes out of style is sex. From both a scientific and biblical standpoint sex is for procreation. Before in vitro the only way to get pregnant was doing the do. But outside of that it is for the joining of two people together because back in Genesis God said, "it is not good for man to be alone". However, in Christiandom we teach that sex is nasty, dirty, vile thing to be done in the dark because we have to and never discussed which is foolishness. And we do our young ppl a great disservice when we do so. That's why as a youth leader I did this study. We get the secular version of sex all day but young people especially those in church need to know the truth of God's vision for this wonderful act. They need to understand why God said sex was for marriage only. Not because He wants to cramp your style but because He wants to save you from a bunch of heartache. Sex is a beaut...