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The Sin You Do To Yourself

"Lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me..."

One thing that never goes out of style is sex. From both a scientific and biblical standpoint sex is for procreation. Before in vitro the only way to get pregnant was doing the do. But outside of that it is for the joining of two people together because back in Genesis God said, "it is not good for man to be alone".

However, in Christiandom we teach that sex is nasty, dirty, vile thing to be done in the dark because we have to and never discussed which is foolishness. And we do our young ppl a great disservice when we do so. That's why as a youth leader I did this study.

We get the secular version of sex all day but young people especially those in church need to know the truth of God's vision for this wonderful act. They need to understand why God said sex was for marriage only. Not because He wants to cramp your style but because He wants to save you from a bunch of heartache.

Sex is a beautiful, wonderful thing that God created. It brings two ppl that love each other closer together, creating a soul tie. (I'll share more on soul ties later)

Sex is the sin you do to yourself (1 Corinthians 6:18).

In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for “becoming one” with another.

Quite literally. You are joining your body with someone else and becoming one (doesn't that sound familiar, like in marriage vows; Genesis 2:24).

For this reason, God gave us warnings about the improper use of sex, its the Sin You Do To Yourself

Now am I gonna sit here and act like I wasn't out here doing stuff? Nope! Cuz I'm not gonna lie to you. (Too many Christian lie about their own stuff. I'm not ashamed. I've confessed my mess and been forgiven by God if you don't forgive me I'll be alright.) I grew up in church and heard all the churchese and platitudes and still didn't understand fully why sex was such a big deal. But that's also why I'm telling you what I am.

Sex outside of the will of God feels real good until it doesn't. The feel good last a few minutes but the pain can last a lifetime and through generations. When ppl say I just can't quit this person, that's a literal thing because your soul is tied to them. The reason ppl compare lovers, the reason you can have flashbacks to previous encounters while with your current lover is because they have left an imprint of themselves on your soul. The reason you may feel that you live in the shadow of your partner's ex it is because you do.

Let me paint a picture for you.... 

You and your partner have been dating and are contemplating having sex for the first time. You have had 3 previous partners and they have had 5. So your soul is tied to 3 ppl and your partner is tied to 5 ppl. Collectively you are bringing 8 ppl into your bed with you plus all the ppl those 8 ppl have slept with, plus the ppl those ppl have slept with, plus the ppl those ppl have slept with, plus the ppl those ppl have slept with, and it goes on and on.

Your bed is getting pretty crowded isn't it? The remnants of past girlfriends/boyfriends, one night stands, friends with benefits are all there in the bed with you. All the things that complicate sex and relationships start with a soul tie.

It makes you stay in bad relationships longer. You can end up tied to someone that was only supposed to be in your life for a season for 18 years and hating each other. There are emotional scars that can follow you from relationship to relationship all be cause of a soul tie that you were never meant to have.

But its even bigger than that. In 1 Corinthians 6, it tells us that our body is our temple. Our bodies are sacred. Our body and soul are interconnected and as Christians it is were the Holy Spirit dwells. So every time you sleep with someone they leave a deposit with you and you leave a deposit with them and that deposit is hanging out with the Holy Spirit. So that ex you can't stand, that prostitute/escort you solicited, that one night stand whose name you can't seem to remember are chilling together with the Holy Spirit following you around, popping up at inopportune times and competing for the Holy Spirit for your peace. As the verse says, that like bringing Jesus to the whore house with you (v15). Would you do that?

Its interesting in this day and age we are more concerned about the food we put in our mouth (organic, non-gmo, gluten-free, vegan, keto, etc) than the ppl we allow into our bodies and souls. 

So why are we so reckless with our bodies in this day and age when we know about AIDS, Hepatitis, pregnancy, STI's etc? Because we have removed God from it. When we stop seeing God as judging us and trying to protect us, when we are ruled by our heads and not our bodies, when we invite God into our relationships we move different, we make better, prosperous decisions and we think twice about what we are doing.

Do I wish I had waiting until marriage to have sex? Absolutely! Sex without God, just like life without God, is empty. It is not fulfilling. Thankfully God kept me from a lot of bad stuff. This world will try to convince you that you are miss out on something or your not a real man if you haven't slept with a bunch of people. But truly if I am missing out on having a deadbeat baby daddy or heartache because I was just a conquest to some guy I'm glad I missed out on that.

God isn't trying to kill your buzz. If you do have sex outside of marriage you are not doomed to hell. If you confess your sin He will forgive you. God is just trying to protect you from the hurt and pain that can come into you literally and and plant itself into the fiber of you. Our bodies are temporary but our souls are forever. 

The Unlikely Missionary


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