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Showing posts from April, 2019

Praise Break: Then Came the Morning

Happy Resurrection Sunday! Just when Satan thought he had fought God and won, then came the morning! Hallelujah! The Unlikely Missionary  DHW They all walked away, nothing to say They'd just lost their dearest friend All that He said, now He was dead So this was the way it would end The dreams they had dreamed were not what they'd seemed Now that He was dead and gone The garden, the jail, the hammer, the nail How could a night be so long? Then came the morning Night turned into day The stone was rolled away Hope rose with the dawn Then came the morning Shadows vanished before the sun Death had lost and life had won For morning had come The angel, the star, the kings from afar The wedding, the water, the wine Now it was done, they'd taken her Son Wasted before His time She knew it was true, she'd watched Him die too She'd heard them call Him just a man But deep in her heart she knew f...

Praise Break: Your Spirit

Today is Good Friday! We generally are happy to see Friday come but today is especially special for those of us who know and serve the LIVING God. 2,000+ years ago Jesus died tonight but we don't serve a dead Savior. We serve a RISEN God He is alive and deserving of our praise today. So I'm leaving this praise break with you today because the spirit of the Lord came down and dwelt among us and we have life because of it. We stand in awe of Him today.  Hallelujah! Not by might Not by power By your spirit God Send your spirit God You are the fire We are the temple You are the voice We are your song You are our God We are your people You are the light We stand in awe We stand in awe of you Not by might Not by power By your spirit Send your spirit God You called us out Out of the darkness Into your love , into your light Grace upon grace Beauty for ashes You come to us. We come alive We stand in awe of you We stand in awe of you Not by mi...

It Crushed Me

When my husband called me to tell me that we were evicted from our apartment it crushed me. I was at work, 6 months pregnant and stressed out. The sheriff was there and all he allowed my husband to take was his phone and the clothes on his back. This wasn’t sudden. We had known for months we could be evicted but I thought that God would by some miracle save me from my bad decisions. But when it actually happened it crushed me. I was homeless. I was the good Christian girl with two degrees and a job and I was homeless. I was ashamed. I was devastated. And my faith was shaken. And those close to me made me feel even worse. I was at a crossroads in my faith because we are often taught that if we do all the right things God is gonna bless you. Which many interpret as nothing bad ever happening to you. As I have learned that’s a bunch of hogwash. Pick a disciple, John the Baptist, Jesus. Jesus especially. Goodness does not equal easy street. I asked, why me Lord? I’ve done everyth...

God's Economy - 10% is What's Required

God says to tithe. God says to tithe 10% of what you make. If 10% of what you make is $15 and you give $15 to further the work of God, You and God are straight. I hate that some churches have turned tithing into an auction. Can I get another $100. C'mon we need $100 for the building fund. Take those checkbooks out. I know we have another $100, $100 here. Going once, give to the Lord twice. Sold to the deacon with the puffed up chest. This has always bothered me. Didn't Jesus shake the tables in the temple for the same reason? Now I will say this. It makes no sense for people to ask why the church needs money. Churches pay bills just like everyone else and they also do charitable work. However, asking the church to fund a plane purchase is ludicrous. Here's looking at you Creflo Dollar. Churches are supposed to be good stewards of the Lord's money. Jesus, Peter, Paul all depended on the kindness of others on their ministry journeys because you have to pay C...