God says to tithe.
God says to tithe 10% of what you make.
If 10% of what you make is $15 and you give $15 to further the work of God,
You and God are straight.
I hate that some churches have turned tithing into an auction. Can I get another $100. C'mon we need $100 for the building fund. Take those checkbooks out. I know we have another $100, $100 here. Going once, give to the Lord twice. Sold to the deacon with the puffed up chest.
This has always bothered me. Didn't Jesus shake the tables in the temple for the same reason?
Now I will say this. It makes no sense for people to ask why the church needs money. Churches pay bills just like everyone else and they also do charitable work. However, asking the church to fund a plane purchase is ludicrous. Here's looking at you Creflo Dollar. Churches are supposed to be good stewards of the Lord's money.
Jesus, Peter, Paul all depended on the kindness of others on their ministry journeys because you have to pay Caesar.
However, God NEVER asks for more than you can give. So if you feel led to give more than your 10% please do so. But if you feel bullied to do so don't and find a church that doesn't pressure its members to give more than is required by God.
What not to do? Stop Giving. The person you need to be good with is God not the pastor.
The truth is that God says to give, not because He needs the money but to see if you trust Him enough to supply your needs. He is the one that has blessed you with the resources you have. Where do your priorities lie?
If you believe that He won't let you starve then put your money where your mouth is. Literally.
My favorite passage of scripture on tithing is the widow who brought all she had to the altar (Mark 12:41-44). This is my favorite passage because it wasn't about the amount. That is an earthly measure. What she gave was much more valuable because she gave from her heart. She gave what she had because she loved God.
I can personally attest that when I tithe I never lack, God always provides and I feel blessed because I'm honoring the request of my savior.
Its the sacrifice. Its the trust. Its the faith. For some 10% is nothing and for others its a lot. God requires 10% but what's most important is your intent.
God says to tithe 10% of what you make.
If 10% of what you make is $15 and you give $15 to further the work of God,
You and God are straight.
I hate that some churches have turned tithing into an auction. Can I get another $100. C'mon we need $100 for the building fund. Take those checkbooks out. I know we have another $100, $100 here. Going once, give to the Lord twice. Sold to the deacon with the puffed up chest.
This has always bothered me. Didn't Jesus shake the tables in the temple for the same reason?
Now I will say this. It makes no sense for people to ask why the church needs money. Churches pay bills just like everyone else and they also do charitable work. However, asking the church to fund a plane purchase is ludicrous. Here's looking at you Creflo Dollar. Churches are supposed to be good stewards of the Lord's money.
Jesus, Peter, Paul all depended on the kindness of others on their ministry journeys because you have to pay Caesar.
However, God NEVER asks for more than you can give. So if you feel led to give more than your 10% please do so. But if you feel bullied to do so don't and find a church that doesn't pressure its members to give more than is required by God.
What not to do? Stop Giving. The person you need to be good with is God not the pastor.
The truth is that God says to give, not because He needs the money but to see if you trust Him enough to supply your needs. He is the one that has blessed you with the resources you have. Where do your priorities lie?
If you believe that He won't let you starve then put your money where your mouth is. Literally.
My favorite passage of scripture on tithing is the widow who brought all she had to the altar (Mark 12:41-44). This is my favorite passage because it wasn't about the amount. That is an earthly measure. What she gave was much more valuable because she gave from her heart. She gave what she had because she loved God.
I can personally attest that when I tithe I never lack, God always provides and I feel blessed because I'm honoring the request of my savior.
Its the sacrifice. Its the trust. Its the faith. For some 10% is nothing and for others its a lot. God requires 10% but what's most important is your intent.
The Unlikely Missionary
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