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Showing posts from 2020

2021 is the Year of Birth

 In the same way I will not cause pain     without allowing something new to be born,” says the Lord. “If I cause you the pain,     I will not stop you from giving birth to your new nation,” says your God. Isaiah 66:9 We have experienced so much this year but I'm believing that out of the pain of 2020 God will birth a great nation in all of us who continue to push to it birth. Remember, inspite of it all YOU ARE LOVED . The Unlikely Missionary DHW

Pursuing Righteous is a Constant State of Protest

There has been a large debate on what constitutes a peaceful protest. But what does protest even mean? Protest  - express an objection to what someone has said or done Protest simply means to express an objection to something. You can live in a constant state of protest. It can be expressed verbally and non-verbally. Passively or actively. It can be event specific or just there in daily action. And can be non-violent or violent. With the death of George Floyd many are protesting and there are debates about what protesting should look like, the right way to protest and what a peaceful protest looks like. However, there are a few misconceptions around the concept of a "peaceful" protest.   Protest is peaceful. Non-violent equals peaceful. Protest must be a big, physical demonstration in order to be heard Protests have an expiration date The definition of peaceful is to be free of disturbance. That's the antonym of protest. The point of protest is to disturb, to disrupt...

I'm Tired ... But Still Pressing

Going a little ahead, he fell on his face, praying, “My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this. But please, not what I want. You, what do  you  want?” Matthew 26:39 Being the mom of a little black boy is in equal parts joyous and terrifying. Holding my son in my arms I cried both tears of joy because he was here and safe and terrified because I knew that as a little black boy in America I couldn't always keep him that way. That is the dichotomy of being Black in America. Equal parts joy and pain. Finding the balance of existing and surviving. Holding ones breathe every time your loved one is out of your sight and hoping they will make it home safe. Often, I wonder, "Lord can you take this cup from me?" Feeling the weight of holding your world together without being able to control the factors that seek to destroy it. Seek to destroy my husband who is big and tall. My son when is smart and growing like a weed. My daughter who is sassy and independent. All because ...

Not Traditional, But God is Still Resurrecting

This isn’t a traditional Resurrection Sunday but it isn’t unprecedented. On the first Resurrection Sunday there were similar emotions palpating the air. Sorrow, fear, heartache, pain. People in their houses afraid to come outside. There we no big hats and elaborate outfits. There were no lilies and choir rehearsed selections. While they weren’t fighting a deadly disease the disciples and the followers of Jesus had experienced trauma. They had just seen him killed two days ago. Crucified, hung on a Cross and breathed his last breath. All of their hopes, dreams died in that instant. It was replaced with disappointment, fear, hopelessness and loss. They were looking for a conqueror, a deliverer, a warrior to remove all their enemies, obstacles and hardships. They believed that Jesus was that and they put all their eggs in his basket. Now He was dead. Killed by the state. And they feared they would be next. This disease is killing those we love and we are afraid . Afraid to...

The Resume of Jesus Christ

This was in my Facebook inbox this morning. I think its great! THE RESUME OF JESUS CHRIST Address: Ephesians 1:20 Phone: Romans 10:13 Website: The Bible. Keywords: Christ, Lord, Savior, and Jesus Hello my name is Jesus Christ. – The Christ. Many call me Lord! I’ve sent you my resume because I’m seeking the top management position in your heart. Please consider my accomplishments as set forth in my resume. Qualifications • I founded the earth and established the heavens, (See Proverbs 3:19) • I formed man from the dust of the ground, (See Genesis 2:7) • I breathed into man the breath of life, (See Genesis 2:7) • I redeemed man from the curse of the law, (See Galatians 3:13) • The blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant comes upon your life through me, (See Galatians 3:14) Occupational Background I’ve only had one employer, (See Luke 2:49) I’ve never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful, or disrespectful My employer has nothing...

The Complicated Emotion of Grief

I'm not a Kobe Fan. I'm a Knicks fan. He reminded me too much of MJ and I can't stand MJ. But I am a wife and a mother and the thought of my husband and my children being gone from me forever is unbearable. And that is why I haven't been able to hold back tears. Having kids makes this news hit different Hearing that Kobe died was a shock. My husband's face showed disbelief as he uttered the words, "this can't be true", when he read the news. A wife without her husband. Girls without their dad. No one to walk them down the aisle. His youngest two only knowing him through other people's stories. But then when they reported his daughter was with him too... Deep sadness overwhelmed me. I held my daughter close. I breathed her in. I snuggled with my son. And I didn't realize I was crying until I felt his hands cup my face and wipe my tears looking at me concerned. My husband and my son and daughter are my world. My ki...

Soul Ties That Bind

I first learned about Soul Ties in junior high. It was the new big term in the youth Christian world at the time. It sounded sexy but when you really thing about it, Its a heavy thing. I touched on it a little bit in my post,  The Sin You Do To Yourself , but I'll go more in depth here. ------- As a young girl I understood the concept but didn't truly understand it until I was a young adult. So what is a Soul tie? Good question. A soul tie is a spiritual connection created through marriage, sex, or accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. The first and most perfect example for how a soul tie is supposed to be is the one formed when you accept Christ. The Holy Spirit comes down and resides within you (Romans 8:10-11; 1 Corinthians 6:19). He is there to walk with you, to guide you, to teach you and to help you remember all the things God has promised you (John 14:26). The second example is in Genesis when God created Adam. He said it is not good for Adam to ...