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Soul Ties That Bind

I first learned about Soul Ties in junior high. It was the new big term in the youth Christian world at the time. It sounded sexy but when you really thing about it, Its a heavy thing.

I touched on it a little bit in my post, The Sin You Do To Yourself, but I'll go more in depth here.


As a young girl I understood the concept but didn't truly understand it until I was a young adult.

So what is a Soul tie?

Good question. A soul tie is a spiritual connection created through marriage, sex, or accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

The first and most perfect example for how a soul tie is supposed to be is the one formed when you accept Christ. The Holy Spirit comes down and resides within you (Romans 8:10-11; 1 Corinthians 6:19). He is there to walk with you, to guide you, to teach you and to help you remember all the things God has promised you (John 14:26).

The second example is in Genesis when God created Adam. He said it is not good for Adam to be alone so He created Eve from Adam's rib. So Eve was literally one with Adam's flesh. And God said two will become one flesh (Genesis 2:22-24). Today, this is done through marriage or the act of joining bodies aka sex.

Soul Ties aren't necessarily a bad thing. I'm thankful that my soul is tied to Christ.

However, today we see the effects of tying our souls to people indiscriminately. Broken families, broken spirits, fractured marriages, bruised hearts and chained to dead relationships.

Anger. Pain. Brokenness. On Repeat.

We, many times, unknowingly are carrying around the ghost of these relationships. Those memories trigger emotions that we take out on the next person. It can leave us stuck and stagnant.

I am not immune from this. While I was selective about the number of relationships I have had and the people I have allowed into my space I still created ties to people I shouldn't have. I went back to a guy I knew I shouldn't be with because I had broken up with him for a reason but our souls were tied. I ugly cried over a break-up with someone who had lied to my face on numerous occasions because our souls were tied.

When I started dating my husband and before we got married I prayed, Lord please break all these ties so that I don't bring them into my forever relationship. Take away the memories, kill the comparisons so that I don't bring up things he hasn't done to me. I didn't want be like the children of Israel saying they missed being in slavery on the way to the promised land. I didn't want to let anything taint my love and experience of him.

Soul ties are the reason why it is so difficult for people to move on from divorce and why, in intimate human relationships, they are only broken by adultery. Soul Ties are a covenant and is a mirror of the relationship with God. Once your soul is tied to God it CANNOT be broken (Romans 8:38-39).

I started out this new year with this message because there are a lot of ties we have that need to be broken and folks are out here struggling to break these ties. The reason for the struggle is that a Soul Tie was never meant to be broken. That's why for me I prayed and asked God to break the ties for me.

So it's a new year, a fresh start, ask God to break those unhealthy ties. Then work to not create any new ones. This world will tell you its cool to just share your body with anybody (This is for both Men and Women) but they don't warn of the carnage that leaves behind, so I will.

Your body is sacred, so protect it. Don't give it to just any and everybody. The choices you make have consequences that can last generations.

I'll end with a Soul Tie you definitely should make. If you haven't yet accepted Christ, do so today. Tie your self down with the One who wants the absolute best for you. He will never leave, He will never let you down, He has your back. Trust Him today. Give Him all of you today. It was the best decision I EVER made and I don't regret it AT ALL.

Just say...

Dear Jesus today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and my life. Make me new, release me from these unhealthy ties, help me to honor and follow your will for my life. Forgive me for all my mess.

And He will. Get into His Word. Start the New Year off right.

The Unlikely Missionary


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