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Working Out Your Faith

Working out your faith has resulted in insomnia. At least for me anyway. My word for this year is refocus but I didn't realize God would drop me in so quickly. It's like when you go to the doctor to get your eyes checked and they keep changing the lens until what was blurry becomes clear. That visit takes about an hour of your time. But what happens when your vision has been blurred by years of heart ache, broken promises and disillusionment? That can't be fixed in an hour. It requires a renewing of the mind and that is a life long journey I'm discovering. Pastor on Sunday talked about not looking too far forward. I'm near sighted. Things that are right in front of me I can see easily but the further it is the blurrier it gets, without my glasses. I sometimes forget I need my glasses until I get outside and realize I can't see down the street! Life is like that isn't it? What is in front of you is so clear but t...
Recent posts

Saying God is in Control Brings me little comfort...

My faith in this moment is the only thing keeping me from falling apart so this title may seem a bit strange. I know we say that God is in control and that is true. He is always in control. He was in control during the Holocaust, he was in control during slavery, he is in control during the good and the bad. The Bible illustrates that very clearly. He is always in control. That doesn't diminish the harm that will come to millions of people. That doesn't erase the pain millions of people are experiencing. It doesn't stop the feeling that evil has won and is playing in our face in Jesus name. I know God is in control and yet I am struggling because there is nothing I can do make this right. As a Black woman in a position that only 2% of Black women get to. As a mom of two beautiful black children who people think it is ok to use and abuse for sport. As a daughter of two Elders who are in their golden years and should not have to worry that their health care might be stripped ...

Forward in 2024

Happy New Year... Almost. lol. 2023 was a year. I realized looking back that I didn't do New Years Eve post for 2023 and I didn't post in 2023 at all. I think that is an indication of the year that 2023 was for me. God you are so good! He has been faithful, loving, gracious but it has been hard. Not because God is not good but because the change had to happen in me. At the end of 2022 God gave me my word for 2023 which was rebuilt. At the time I thought it was just my life being rebuilt. I was fresh off a divorce, learning how to be a single mom and trying to pick up the pieces of my broken and fragmented life.  I was excited because I needed my life rebuilt. But God always gives you what you need, not what you think you want and what He actually meant was it was to be me being rebuilt; mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. My character examined, my faith explored and expanded. Damaris transformed. When I think of the blessings in my life this year the one that is ...

2022 is the Year of Free

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.           - 2 Corinthians 3:17 Last year's word was birth and God delivered on that word but not in the way I expected. I thoguht there was to be a new business or revenue stream, a new home, or some other tangible things birthed in this season. However God was saying, Damaris I'm going to birth a new you. In the last quarter of this year I have seen God do an amazing work in my life. It wasn't physical, material things. I haven't moved, still living in my parents house. I don't have a new business, in fact I haven't been able to dedicate the time I wanted to the business I have. I don't have a new revenue stream either but God has kept me and my family which has been a blessing. Instead, He birthed a new mindset, a new outlook, peace and trust in Him. He birthed a new and deeper relationship with Him. He birthed forgiveness and healing in my soul that I have never had.  So ...

Expectation in God

  So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promises!     -Hebrews 10:23, Passion Translation   I was taught that expecting God to give me things or do things for me was bad. We’re told to ask God for things but, in the same breath, not expect Him to give them to us. It was in the name of piety but how backward is that? Especially because it contradicts God’s Word. Then on the flip side, now we tell people to "Name it and claim it" but that leads to disillusioned Christians disappointed that God hasn't granted their wishes. God isn't a genie. That contradicts God's Word too. How many of us know the scripture, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you? ( Matthew 7:7-8) If this is true, which it is, doesn’t that create expectancy? Doesn’t that mean I should expect to receive something? Of cour...

God’s Economy - You are Blessed

You are blessed. That is a fact. Whether you believe that or not. While doing the 100 days of Believing Bigger pillars of Stillness and Blessing + Obedience, my whole outlook on blessing was changed. We are taught that we need to ask God to bless us. As if our life is not blessed unless we ask and even then God still has to do the blessing. In this context, even as a believer, you question whether you even deserve to be blessed. And if you feel like you aren’t blessed you can develop a woe is me or even hardened heart. However, when you take God view that you are already blessed, that blessing is internal and not external; that it is not something God gives to you but it is already in you; it creates a whole new paradigm. Instead of thinking you are not worthy of being blessed because you know you are you begin to look for the blessings in your life. You walk with a different posture because blessing is happening, your not waiting for it. And because you are blessed, you can pou...

The Last King God Chose Was Jesus

 No elected leader in the US or otherwise was handpicked by God. Especially not Donald Trump. Truth be told God never wanted us to have a King or President or Prime Minister or Emperor or any other Ruler to begin with. So the very idea that God is picking presidents for a nation (the US) that is not the children or Israel, a nation that didn't exist when the convenent God made with the children of Israel was enacted is a level of mental gymnastics that quite honestly is equal parts impressive and sad.  The fact of the matter is: The children of Israel looked around and saw that their other counterparts had Kings and so they asked God for one. He didn't want them to have one but He loved them and He obliged them. That doesn't mean that God is still picking kings. The last King God chose was Jesus. Jesus is the King of ALL Kings. The Lord of ALL Lords. There is no need for another because...  NEWSFLASH : Our King is still ALIVE! Thi...