Happy New Year Everyone!
There will be obstacles or mountains that we will face this year. Even time I hear, have sung or performed this song the Spirit of the Lord is activated in me to let me know, "Damaris God is with you and He will bring you over it so praise Him!"
The Lord is good,
a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him
It is in our praise that we experience the victory and blessings of God. It starts with reflecting on all the mountains He has already brought you over. The trials He has brought you through. The enemies He has removed from your path. The strongholds He has broken. And the praise bubbles up. You are blessed by the blessings you have already experienced. And your confidence in God is strengthened because if He has done it before He can do it again.
So as you listen, be blessed, reflect on what He has done and praise the true and living God for His love, faithfulness, and His presence in the good and the bad.
Praise the Lord!
The Unlikely Missionary
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