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My Thoughts on the Abortion Debate

The ability to choose it under attack. But this is not the first time nor will it be the last.

I will be talking more about choice in March but in light of all that transpired and potentially will transpire I felt it necessary to address this sooner.

Starting from Adam and Eve with the tree, God has given us choice.

He's never tried to stifle it or take it back. And why? Because He didn't want individuals who felt forced or trapped into serving God. He wants our worship to be given freely. He has a personal cheer-leading section already. They are called angels.

He gives you the ability to freely choose how you want to live your life. An example of this is He let David have multiple wives even though that was a pagan custom David adopted from neighboring nations and it is not God's picture of marriage.

God of course has a direction he wants you to go that will bring you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11) but you ultimately have the ability to make the choice you want to make.

Today Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy (click here for more info).

As a woman, abortion and reproductive rights are very important. We only get this one body and it goes through a lot. I have the right to my own body; safe and clean facilities; and qualified and ethical doctors. I am a pro-choice person because I believe having choices does bring life. Everyone is entitled to have the best information they can to make a well informed decision. Just because I may not like your decision doesn't mean anything.

I've never had an abortion but I have had a miscarriage. Losing your child (because both are a loss) stays with you forever. I remember the day I had to go in for my DNC like it was yesterday. And when I go to the gynecologist I'm reminded of it because they ask you how many pregnancies you've had and how many babies you have. I have to remember the date because it was a surgery and its now part of my medical history. You're not allowed to forget your loss. And even without the reminder I would never forget.

I don't think I would ever personally have an abortion just because I don't believe in that for myself especially after the emotional pain of my miscarriage. But who am I to tell someone else what is best for them? I'm not having their baby; paying for it, taking care of it, living with it. I don't know the potential health issues the child may have or what carrying the baby to term may do to the mother. I don't know their personal circumstances so I have no right to tell them what to do.

When we are taking away a women's right to autonomy over their own bodies we say that we are nothing but property to be controlled, vessels to be used, carriers and nothing more. That sets a dangerous precedent when we as Christians agree that choice should be restricted because God has set us free. Who are we to deny others freedom?

We create scared, trapped people who feel they have no other options. Just because we criminalize abortion doesn't mean people will stop having them. And then we hear stories of nightmare back room abortions. Babies left in garbage bags. Women and children who have lost access to quality healthcare and life-saving medicines. Children abused by a parent who didn't want them in the first place. Bombings at clinics. And how is this better?

Abortion laws are not about protecting babies, they are about imposing someone else's will upon another. Its about power. Its about the ability to tell someone I'm right and you are wrong. Its about self-righteousness and being able to puff out your chest to say you are better than.

No one is better than, remember There Are No Levels To This. When Jesus said to the crowd that accused the woman in adultery he who is without sin cast the first stone there was a reason. Because we ALL have sinned. Then Jesus the only one who could throw a stone told her to go home and sin no more (John 8:1-11 MSG).

So to my self-righteous Christians you are not without sin so put your stones down. God gives us two commandments:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.

Everything in God's law hinges on these two commandments. So examine yourself instead of trying to condemn others.

To my sisters who have had abortions and feel shame and condemned; God doesn't condemn you and neither do I. You are loved. You are not alone in this. You matter. Go forward in that freedom.

The Unlikely Missionary


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