I read in the Facebook comments of an article that God is misogynistic and it troubled my spirit. I am all about girl power. And I have always believed that women are just as important to God as men. We are all God's children. If the Bible and therefore God is misogynistic how could I believe in that?
The fact is, I have never believed that the Bible or God is misogynistic. Why? It’s simple really.
- God says that there are two great commandments and one of them is love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:35-40). If I truly live this commandment I could not be misogynistic because I would treat others the way I want to be treated; with respect, kindness, love and without prejudice.
- Using the logic from one if I’m not following that commandment I’m sinning and sin is not of God because He is sinless (2 Corinthians 5:21).
- If God is not sinless than the Bible, His Word is not true and the whole basis of the Christian faith is moot and therefore none of it is true (2 Timothy 3:14-17).
People are misogynistic, God is not.
I have met my fair share of misogynistic pastors and Christians. They look down on women and believe we are to serve them. Using the verse wives submit your husband (Ephesians 5:22). Eliminating the part where it tells husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. To love their wives like they love their own bodies, their ownselves (Ephesians 5:22-33).
How many husbands do you see loving like Jesus did while he was on earth?
So let’s debunk this and see why I don’t believe God is misogynistic.
In the Bible God portrays women as strong, loyal, faithful, righteous, powerful and integral pieces of the story and His story. How is that misogynistic?
So let’s debunk this and see why I don’t believe God is misogynistic.
- Rahab is in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17) - if you don’t know Rahab, read her story here in Joshua 2. But to summarize she was a gentile (none Jewish) prostitute who provided shelter for Israelite spies. Most people would never include her in the lineage of the Savior of the world but God did. Because God looks at the heart.
- Deborah was a Judge of Israel (Judges 4 & 5). She was the final authority in matters of justice, she summoned the commander of the armies, they went to battle on her command from God and during battle the victory was delivered by a woman, Jael, not a man.
- Mary Magdalene - Jesus appeared to her first. (BibleGateway gives an great account of who she was. Read it here) Yeah the disciples were all men (which is prudent in my opinion so that not one could ever accuse Jesus of impropriety) but when Jesus rose from the dead He showed himself to her first. She was His most devoted follower and she immediately believed and told the others she saw Him. He didn't need to prove anything to her. Women's intuition.
- Anna - Jesus was heralded by Anna as the Messiah. She had been a faithful prophetess, serving the Lord Jesus in the temple since becoming a widow. 84 years! This was such a big announcement, such a big moment in history and God trusted her to made it.
- Esther saved the entire Israelite nation from extinction. Let me say that again for the folks in the back. THE ENTIRE NATION. Without her there would be no Israel. Period.
In the Bible God portrays women as strong, loyal, faithful, righteous, powerful and integral pieces of the story and His story. How is that misogynistic?
The Unlikely Missionary
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