When there is no grace the consequences of your action can be utter destruction .
We live in the time of grace.
Shame is a powerful thing. And pride is what keeps you shackled by your shame. Hiding it behind closed doors even from God. It’s ironic really that we try to hide our shame from a all seeing, all knowing God.
How much do we miss out on because of our pride? How much do we suffer alone? It brings me to the woman at the well. When Jesus told her all she had done she could have, in her pride, denied it. But she didn’t, she owned it and instead of condemnation she received living water, eternal life.
How many of us have been told the truth about ourselves and vehemently denied it? How much have we missed out on because of it? How many opportunities have passed us by because our pride has caused us to hide our shame? God can’t fix, God can’t use, God can’t turn around that which you don’t give to him.
When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well it was because he knew who she and what she needed. His mission was not to make her feel bad but to offer her the opportunity to let go of the shame in order to find the love, the joy, the peace she was seeking that was eluding her. Then through her she told others of the Messiah.
People shame us. The law shames us. The law saws lock them up and throw away the key. But we live in the time of God's grace. And I am not living for people I am living for God. For "in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace" Ephesians 1:7. And if He has redeemed me others opinions mean nothing.
God redeems us. And this message is for you as much as it is for me. EVERYTHING is redeemable. There is no expiration date. If confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you SHALL be saved. Its already done but you have to accept it, you have to invite Him in. Give it to God. He sees it anyway so why hold it alone when you can be bathed in His love?
We live in the time of grace.
Shame is a powerful thing. And pride is what keeps you shackled by your shame. Hiding it behind closed doors even from God. It’s ironic really that we try to hide our shame from a all seeing, all knowing God.
How much do we miss out on because of our pride? How much do we suffer alone? It brings me to the woman at the well. When Jesus told her all she had done she could have, in her pride, denied it. But she didn’t, she owned it and instead of condemnation she received living water, eternal life.
How many of us have been told the truth about ourselves and vehemently denied it? How much have we missed out on because of it? How many opportunities have passed us by because our pride has caused us to hide our shame? God can’t fix, God can’t use, God can’t turn around that which you don’t give to him.
When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well it was because he knew who she and what she needed. His mission was not to make her feel bad but to offer her the opportunity to let go of the shame in order to find the love, the joy, the peace she was seeking that was eluding her. Then through her she told others of the Messiah.
“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did."
I struggle with shame very much. In my personal walk it is the hardest thing for me to surrender to God because I care very much about how people perceive me. I work hard to seem perfect to those around me because admitting my faults has always equated failure to me. I was told from a young age that my name was all I had and that I should do nothing to dishonor it. And I have always believed that failure was dishonor and that was the end. The truth is that failure is not the end. Messing up doesn’t mean you are a waste. No matter what you do, you matter to God and God can use you if you can confess it and surrender it to Him. But if you can’t admit it and give it to Him there is nothing He can do.
People shame us. The law shames us. The law saws lock them up and throw away the key. But we live in the time of God's grace. And I am not living for people I am living for God. For "in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace" Ephesians 1:7. And if He has redeemed me others opinions mean nothing.
God redeems us. And this message is for you as much as it is for me. EVERYTHING is redeemable. There is no expiration date. If confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you SHALL be saved. Its already done but you have to accept it, you have to invite Him in. Give it to God. He sees it anyway so why hold it alone when you can be bathed in His love?
The Unlikely Missionary
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