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Sin=Death, but Grace...

Is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We get it all wrong when we tell people they are going to hell. So let me debunk some myths. Being gay doesn’t mean you are going to hell. Cursing doesn’t mean you are going to hell. Having sex before marriage doesn’t mean you are going to hell. Wearing skirts, having an abortion, voting for a female president, getting pregnant out of wedlock does not mean you are going to hell. _________ does not mean you are going to hell. In the blank please add that thing that was told to you in Sunday school so you wouldn’t do it.

So the question isn’t what makes you go to hell. According to the Bible, the moment we were born we had a one way ticket there.

There are no levels to this. There is no sin that is better than the next or is a little better or is a little worse than the others. The result of all of it is the same. No relationship with God and an eternity burning.

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"
Romans 6:23

So, The better question is how do I make sure that ticket is never punched? The answer is quite simple. Accept Christ.

The Church has made this more difficult than it actually is also. The blueprint is very simple though. First, confess, believe and receive. Romans 10:9-10

♭No you can't get to heaven without, S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N♭ 

Confess-with your mouth that you are a sinner, that Jesus came to earth, died for your sins, Rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the father making sure that you prayers get to Him. (Jesus is Lord)

Believe-now that you said it you gotta believe it. People fake the funk and say a lot of things but in order for it to be real to God, you gotta believe it and He knows if you believe it or not.

Accept-this is actually the hardest part of the whole experience because for many of us myself included we’ve been told our whole lives we are unqualified or unworthy of salvation and God’s Love. But throw that BS away. Just accept the gift. Your get out of hell free card.

The only difference between me and you is that I have accepted the gift. I still cuss, I get mad, I lust after people, I’ve fornicated, I lie to get myself out of trouble sometimes, there have been times when I’ve been out of pocket or disrespectful. I’m not saying this to endorse these things cuz they are wrong but I say it to say I’m not perfect. I’m just a person saved by Grace.

I will continue to sin for the rest of my life. It is in my nature. That’s what we humans do. But, when I do these things I repent because you don’t abuse a gift as great as this. (I’ll talk more about this in my next post The Gift of Relationship). When I mess up, when life is f-ed up, when ish hits the fan and I have no money, an eviction notice in my hand and no where to go I turn to Jesus and I know I will make it. I know that no matter what I have done God still loves me, God still got me and even in my best attempt to mess it ALL up God has a bright future for me.

As long as we have breath God has given us another day to get it right. I strive each day to make God proud because when no one else saw me, He looked down at me covered in sin and all the things people put on me and said, you are worth my gift. Will you accept it?

So I say to you: God is saying forget what people have said to you. You’ve done bad stuff? So has everyone else in heaven (except Jesus and God the Father). Will you accept His gift?

Will you just believe and receive S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N?

The Unlikely Missionary


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